Chapter 19

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Aaron found himself in a smiliar position with Diana again in a cinema, but this time his arm was over her shoulders and her head laid on his shoulder

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Aaron found himself in a smiliar position with Diana again in a cinema, but this time his arm was over her shoulders and her head laid on his shoulder. And her hand - on his knee, sometimes rubbing soothing, suggestive circles with her thumb.

The movies always seemed to take a painstakingly long time to roll along, or perhaps that was because Aaron wasn't used to such a mortal thing. The movie was progressing - but Aaron just wanted to start making out. Having human 'foreplay' was boring and unnecessary where he came from - when you were interested you banged - simple. But Diana wasn't like his kind - she needed warming up. And in this case, warming up was going on countless dates and quick kisses.

But she had given him the Lyśtra, had become his girlfriend the mortal word still foreign to him. But they had already done so much - but Aaron kept forgetting that his kind wasn't allowed to have a serious connection with a human. And if he had sex with her - she may or may not be his mate for life. Like penguins. Although - the claim might not limit her to him - meaning they could sleep together and maybe have her as his mate.

"Finally." Aaron hissed as the credits appeared on screen.

"Awe baby." She giggled, pinching his cheek. Raising his eyebrow he looked down at her, annoyed by her degrading affection. "Mr Grumpy-pants." She cooed again. Aaron growled, pressing his lips to hers. She giggled girlishly, pulling him closer by the collar of his shirt.

Aaron moved his mouth against hers slowly, passionately. So much passion that Diana seemed to lose knowledge of where they were as her leg went up to rest in his lap - as if she fell over and needed to latch onto something to keep her upright. Although it was an awkwardly sexual way.

Making a few unnecessary noises of excitement, Diana gripped his shirt harder - Aaron had never gotten such a delicious reaction from her. Her mortalness was clearly showing if a mere kiss undid her like this.

"Aaron we should go - " she broke apart, quickly pressing their lips together again. "Aaron." She said breathlessly again as his hands gripped her body harder, drawing her closer. "Aaron." She pulled away again.

"Alright we'll stop. For now." She squirmed in excitement at how deep his voice got when he said his promise. "I can't promise I'll hold back when we get home." He pressed a kiss to her neck. Her cheeks darkened and she gnawed her lip in both nerves and excitment. She giggled as he yanked her onto her feet, causing her to stumble around.

"My legs are numb." She pouted, Aaron shrugged, interlocking their fingers.

"Diana!" Someones voice called out, mentally cursing, Diana turned around to see the sight of Elliot.

"Hey Elliot." Diana replied awkwardly as the brunette came to a stop, he went to reply but his eyes landed on Aarons tall figure. "Aaron this is Elliot, Elliot this is my boyfriend Aaron." She turned to smile up at Aaron, who had his face in a devishly handsome grin.

"This is Elliot - I heard something about you at one point." Aaron squeezed Elliots hand in a handshake, the fear and pain contorting on Elliots face as Diana smiled happily.

"uh - I'm Elliot. Did Diana mention something about me?" Elliot tried to joke awkwardly, his heart ripped in two.

"Actually it was Opal, we met up with her the other day." Diana giggled, looking up at Aaron again, who stared at Elliot with threatening amusement. "Sorry we got to go, bye Elliot."

"I don't like him." Aaron snorted, pressing a kiss to Dianas temple - knowing Elliot was watching. "To shy and insecure."

"Or you're just jealous and overprotective." Diana smirked as she opened the door of his car.

"Probably." Aaron smirked, sliding into the drivers seat. "There he is." Aaron chuckled darkly, watching as Elliots eyed skimmed the crowd, making eye contact with Aaron. He continued to hold it, wearing down the boy whose steps faltered and continued to hold eye contact wearily. Smirking, Aaron turned to Diana, then made eye contact with Elliot. "Kiss." Diana giggled as she pressed her mouth to Aarons again.

Aaron made eye contact as he ran his tongue along hers, Elliots adams apple bobbed as he stared at Diana and Aaron. Jealously and regret, pain and doubt - were visible on the younger, human, boys face.

Aaron pulled away when Elliot left - knowing he had dissappeared - he eased the car out of the parking lot.

"You're cute when you're possessive." Diana giggled, smiling at Aaron as he eased them through traffic.

"Not hot?" He joked, lips tingling - kissing Diana more gave him that effect.

"You're always hot - but when you're possessive, you're a hot-cutie." Diana poundered aloud, kissing Aarons cherk weirdly.

"What are you doing princess?" He chuckled, parking the car. Snaking his arm around her waist, Aaron pulled her into another kiss.

"I like this." She grinned, kissing him back.

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