Chapter 9

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Diana was all smiles - especially because Aaron now volunteerily held her hand as they walked to his car

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Diana was all smiles - especially because Aaron now volunteerily held her hand as they walked to his car. Aaron had been quiet after he pulled away from their second kiss. She was left to wonder what he was think up in his gorgeous mind. He stared out the windsheild - silent. The radio was off and the both of them silent.

Dianas interests peaked when he pulled over to the side of the road - in the middle of nowhere. Diana sat up right excitedly - the pretty, green trees of the forest. "Where are we?" She asked flirtatiously.

"No kissing okay? I'm not the type that does changing and adapting to your mortal emotions." He spat. "Be thankful I'm not killing you tonight." He huffed, buring his knuckles into his closed eyes.

He felt lips pressed to his cheek. "I said no kissing -  " he let out a breath when her lips attached to his. If she wanted to kiss him she was going to get the whole bad boy treatment. His hand went to the back of her head - pressing her face harder against him. She quickly and adorably, tried to adjust herself to continue. His other hand was on the small of her back as he bit her lip - harshly. She squeaked, her arms wrapping around his neck.

Not the answer he wanted.

So he started pushing her back - suddenly her back was against her door and he was hovering over her - lips still attached. Cliché, she let her leg hook behind the steering wheel as her hands flew behind her and gripped the leather dashboard.

A monster and a princess.

His tongue was touching hers - then he roughly pulled away, flinging himself out the car. Fuming. "No." He jabbed a finger at her through the now open car door. "You're not supposed to like that - stop." He couldn't handle the dazed look on her face - her chest rising and falling after desperately needing air. Her hands up as if in surrender - her crystal blue eyes dilated.

"Uh - Aaron." She got out through pants. She scrambled out his door - instead of going out hers.

He was honestly regretting everything - that was a lie. But he was a liar.

And she was overly way to honest.

"Stop - you are a mortal, stupid pathetic mortal." He spat, starting to pace in front of her. She had the berve to smile.

"Why do you sound like you're trying to convince yourself more than me." She asked softly, watching him as he walked back and forth.

"Shut up, I'm thinking." He scoffed. No cars passed them as he continued to pace, back and forth. Back and forth.

What was she doing to him.

"Please stop pretty boy. You're making my dizzy." She sighed, grabbing him by the elbow. And he stopped, staring at her in a repulsed confusion.

"I am not what you want. I don't do changing - I'm a monster - " he cut himself off - even more confused as she flinched at him calling himself a monster.

"You're not a monster." She murmered, her eyes glassey.

"I am - I turn into an ugly - " she cut him off again. He should have been annoyed by it.

"If you're a monster, I'm a monster." She stated proudly, puffing her chest out. Her hand still gripped his elbow gently.

"It's adorable - you trying and all." He rolled his eyes, hating himself for the smile that bloomed on his face. Why was she so stupid? "But anyway - I'm not the kind that'll change their ways for a stupid girl - "

"Why would I want you to be someone else when I can make out like that." She shamelessly giggled.

If only she knew what he meant.

"Still - " he sighed in defeat as her lips were again on his. Pushing her back again, he sat her on the bonnet of the car - still kissing her. It seemed anything he did only made her more excited, energetic and flirty.

Her hands were in his hair and her eyes were closed - such a mortal thing to do. He inspected every detail or her face - she was pretty. Her small, slightly pointed nose was cold as it was pressed beside his. Her lips - he liked it when she smiled stupidly.

Aaron didn't pull back at the sound of a car - two. Two cars passed him as Diana started to lean back slightly - nothing could distract her. Things normally did - she would talk on and on only to see a woodland creature and chase after it. - she was like a puppy.

"Look what we have here." A new voice inerupted - Diana quickly pulled away - flushed as her head whipped around to see where the voice had come from. "I see you're lusting for a mortal - what would your friends think?"

Josh, John and Opal. Plus the other two. Merit and Tyler. Diana didn't need to know their names. She wouldn't know anything about this - she was a momentary play thing.

Diana silently protested as Aaron took a step back, helping her off the car. She clutched his hand - and he let her.

"She's safe - no need for any of you to be here." He cocked his head to the side. Inspecting the group - he could probably kill them - but if he did he would scare Diana away. And that would mean he'd have to chase after her and she'd be less at liberty to divulge and cooperate.

"We were expecting you to leave her at her home. Alone." Merit eyed the Batasille.

"Home alone." Diana cheered.

'She was stupid.' Aaron thought with an eye roll.

"Just - release her from the spell you put on her and we'll give you Lyśtra." Opal nibbled her lip. She was lying. But Aarons thoughts didn't bother staying on that when Diana tensed up at the name of the book, Lyśtra.

"She's not under a spell." Aaron snorted, curiousness creeping into his mind as the blonde beside him gripped his hand.

She was afraid of them. The people who had tried to save her from having her throat slit and her potential death. But not him?

Mortal women confused him. Especially this one.

"I don't belive you." Tyler spat, eyeing the blonde beside him. And anger took over him - she may have been stupid and nothing more than a passing lust - but lust was lust - and he didn't share.

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