Chapter 18

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Diana was awake before Aaron - but as the lazily, growing teen she was, stayed there

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Diana was awake before Aaron - but as the lazily, growing teen she was, stayed there. Her bladder was slightly protesting but - sleeping or peeing. Diana chose sleeping everytime.

But unfortunately - Aaron woke up a little while after. She had spent only a few short moments studying his sculpted face. She had always thought he was attractive - but there was a sense of vulnerability that was sleep. His features were barely pulled into a scowl, his eyes shut over his long, sharp cheekbones and his mouth was set in a neutral pose. His usual cocky attitude seemed to not show as he slept soundly - arms slung over her in a pathetic attempt at being cliché.

Most people Diana knew hated that word - despised it. Especially Ellen and Cole. Being cliché is something basic and boring - except it isn't. People see cliché as something over used but because people shove it into that category they can't continue to do or watch. But it's the person who hates its fault. It's their fault for having seen it so much that they despise it - that they are comparing something to another and claiming it as mainstream. Because they see it as a main stream of events. One after the other. But who are they to judge what is cliché and what isn't?

Especially when what was going on between Diana and Aaron was completely not.

Aaron prefered to kill rather than cuddle.

And Diana - she didn't mind him killing. And she didn't know if it was so wrong to want him to.

She believes the people Aaron kill have done something wrong - or it was the fact that Aaron felt so ashamed he didn't want her to know the real him. But life is about accepting people for who they are - the innocent and the murderous.

And Diana - she hated innocent boys as much as people hated clichés.

"Stop staring at me." He grumbled, eyes blinking open to reveal the clear blue eyes - except up this close they weren't clear. Black and green flecks littered his iris in an array of beautiful streaks, barely being able to see them at a distance - even if you were talking to him up close. The tip of Dianas nose pressed against his - and she saw his eyes.

"You have pretty eyes." She smiled softly, satisfied when his eyebrows were pulled down into a scowl.

"They're not pretty - masculine, handsome." He grounded out, getting out of the bed and away from her.

"Sorry did I endanger your manhood?" She snorted, getting off the bed to stand with him.

"Considering one more inch and your knee would have beeb endangering my manhood." His comment made her obnoxiously snort in laughter.

"What's wrong with being a little rough." Diana winked, swaying her hips as she walked past him.

"Flirt." He scoffed, following her out of the bedroom. Diana hummed along to her own tune - something that closely resembled All Star by Smash mouth though - not that Aaron knew what that was.

"Aaron where are you planning on taking me?" She asked, pulling out a few eggs.

"Cinema then dinner." Aaron shrugged, ignoring the smirk she sent his way. He knew she was practically begging, wanting, to spend another cinema experience with him. He couldn't blame her - after all she was stupid and hot. But it was Diana - he supposed he had to do what his plaything wanted.

"Eggs are the best." She started to chant, at least Aaron could count that he was never bored when she cooked.

Diana stared at the cover - at Lyśtra. She didn't know how to give it to him or when. What if he left her with the book - nibbling on her lip - it was up to him whether he stayed or not.

But Diana really wished he would. But even she knew there was a wild side not even she could tame to an extent. His desire to kill, hunt and maim humans. She was willing to over look it all - to be with him. Human form and Batasille form.

The bedroom door opened and Dianas' gaze snapped up.

Aaron stood there - frozen - and eyes trained on the Lyśtra that was in her hands.

Slowly, Diana rose, holding the book in front of her, eyes trained on the boy who couldn't bring his eyes off the book. The book - the only thing any of this was for - he needed it. She took a step towards him. And painfully slowly, she extended the book towards him. He took a sharp intake of breath - not reaching out for the book in scared. Scared it wasn't real, scared that she wasn't actually giving it to him. But she held it out to him, staring into his eyes that were now divided between her and the book. "I want you to have it." She said softly. "I also want to keep seeing you - If you're willing, I would like to be your girlfriend, but if you aren't ready or don't want to, we can go back to just kissing and touching - " she told him calmly.

Aaron said nothing - but he took the book. He felt the power of the centuries old book flow around him - felt how it tugged itself back towards Diana. It was in his hands - it was his.

He could become an unstoppable evil across this world - killing who and what he pleased. Feeding on human flesh upon a throne. With his Batasille brothers and sisters, warriors and people. And Diana was a mere mortal - speck, in their plans.

And yet - Aaron found himself throwing the book onto her bed - and pulling her into the most gentle kiss he had ever given anyone.

And for the first time - he felt fireworks instead of lust and need. His body hummed in response to her lips - her hand on the side of his face.

But he pulled back - gently, oh so gently and said. "I'll be your boyfriend - now come on, we have a date." Smiling, he dragged her out of her room.

The Lyśtra was his and so was Diana.

Two things he would kill for to protect.

A mortal and an ancient book - that is what his life had come to.

A powerful book in the hands of a monster, in the other hand a stupid, beautiful girl.

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