Chapter 2

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There was always something Ellen Hattie could rely on when it came to any of her friendships, she was always right

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There was always something Ellen Hattie could rely on when it came to any of her friendships, she was always right. Diana never liked to admit defeat easily, but Ellen knew the girl couldn't disagree. Ellen had said that the four blonde boys would be the start of something and Diana had chuckled - telling her friend her head was to far in the books she reads.

But not even a week later - there was a murder.

In the forest everyone thought was so small and innocent.

And that's when two new guys showed up. And any thought that the blondes were bad guys quickly vanished. There was no way that the two boys who had come to school were the definition of evil.

One was graced with tan skin, the other less so and more fair.

And their appearances shoked Ellen, especially when Diana came trotting over to deliver some rather exciting news.

"I got one of the new kids in my class." She smiled, blue eyes ablaze. "Not the Hispanic one, the other one, his name is Aaron." Ellen didn't like how the boys name rolled off her friends tongue.

"Aaron? What does he look like?" Ellene asked, brushing a piece of brown hair behind her ear.

"He has sort of a dimple - and he's got blue eyes." She started, taking a seat. "He's really tall and glared at me when I winked."

"Dia don't wink at him." Ellen paled, why on Earth would her silly friend hit on a stranger. "Plus, he isn't at all good looking."

"That's what you think." She smiled giddily.

Ellen thought he wasn't attractive - especially against his dark skinned companion.

"Why would you hit on these guys - you're already leading on my brother." Ellen snorted, watching her friend tense up.

"I smile at his jokes - I've barely lead him on." She snorted. The four blonde boys walked out of the school, trailing after Opal Smitt. "This is so weird." She laughed, gaze on the four boys.

"Yeah, they followed her around." Ellen stated, putting in her own words.

"I bet she's the main character! Ordinary girl with an ordinary life, one day new kids show up and one of them lock eyes - it's love." She snorted.

"Be more realistic." Ellen scoffed.

"Okay - new kids move to mew school after being expelled for beating and killing a chap - then their reputation of bad boy player gets worse as they prey on an innocent young, pretty girl and chase after her. Then after gaining her trust - poof dumped and alone." Diana smiled, staring back at Ellen. "Realistic enough for you?"

"I suppose, I did see a few of them flirting with a lot of girls." Ellen shrugged, brushing off her friends sarcasm.

Thinking about it, maybe there was something going on bigger than their silly, mortal lives. Or maybe that was Ellens human side.

"You Diana Keller?" A gruff, cocky voice caught the girls attention. Turning their heads, they were met with Aaron and his hispanic friend. Diana sheilded her eyes from the sun, smiling lazily up at him.

"Yes." Diana replied. "How can I help you Aaron?" She smiled. Aaron exchanged a chilling smile with his friend before the two took a seat on either side of Diana.

"My friend and I were wondering if you knew that girl over there?" Aaron asked the blonde girl.

"Opal? Well, yeah. Everyone knows Opal, good old Opal - " Diana began, but Ellen cut her off.

"In a story are you two the good guys?" She found herself asking. The two looked at her, a wicked grin taking over their faces.

"Oh no, we're the very much the bad guys you want dead. The ones that totally fuck up your life." Aaron replied, grinng from ear to ear. A shiver rolled down Ellens shoulder blades.

The two quickly getting up, but Aaron leant Dianas head back. "Meet me here after school, alone." Aarons command struck something in Diana - but she chuckled softly.

"Alright pretty boy." she teased, watching a mask of confusion fall across the handsome boys face.

Ellen felt the four blonde boys plus Opal staring over at them. And that made Ellen queasy.

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