Chapter 13

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Kali eyed Diana once more before they retreated into the tree-lines

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Kali eyed Diana once more before they retreated into the tree-lines. Aaron had a blade the size of his delicious forearms in his hand, other hand still clutched in Dianas. And he didn't mind - not as his main focus was on a very important thing before them.

How was he going to trade Diana for the book.

It was simple he wasn't.

He was going to spare her life for the book.

Opal and such didn't need to know he was never going to kill her - they thought he was mind controlling her and torturing her.

If torturing her was giving into her small minor, lustful needs - then torture was only going to get worse.

Because he was determined to get a few more kisses out of her - or more. But after tonight - if or one of his friends shifts. It will be over between him and Diana.

Who could love a hideous beast?

And that's when he froze. What was he thinking? He didn't want Diana to love him - she was a weak mortal - expecting love from her was like expecting the moon not to effect the tide. It always did. And Diana - he knew what she was like - leading on other mortal men. Breaking their hearts. Then again - he had no heart to break - the feeling heart anyway. The organ that pumped blood through his system existed. Even if she did love him - she wouldn't love him. She'd love his mortal vessel - holding a knife to her throat was one thing, but shifting to reveal his true form? He may as well say goodbye to her now.

But there was always the chance - the small chance she could learn to love him. But his real form was one massive cock block.

"Aaron - why are we hiding behind a tree?" She whispered loudly.

"We won't be for long if you keep talking." He hissed back, he was right, she knew it, causing her to shut up.

That's when they stepped out. The innocent good guys who -

Didn't have the book.

Aaron assumed they were hiding it - trying to adjust the bargain. The bargain was going to be adjusted indeed.

But Diana knew where the book was - it was hidden in her friends home. And she knew every page - a few verses and quotes off by heart.

And that made her question if she should give it away.

And who to? No - she'd made up her mind. Aaron. The Lyśtra was going to be his - now or never.

"Come out!" Merit yelled, eyes scanning the trees. "Batasille give us the girl!" Kali and the hispanic friend - Zyc - jumped down from trees. Diana nearly gasped if Aaron hadn't pressed his lips to hers.

"Remember to do what I said baby girl?" Aaron knew a kiss and a pet name had Diana like putty in his hands. She was going to do whatever he wanted her to do - no powers necessary.

"Okay pretty boy." She giggled, but it stopped as Aaron let go of her hand and grabbed her elbow. He dragged her out to the opening, to show her off to the four boys, plus Opal. Still no sign of the book.

Aaron was for once - concerned. They didn't have the Lyśtra, meaning they were prepared to sacrifice Diana if need be. Aaron would kill them all.

"Where is the book?" Zyc demanded, eyes roaming them - they didn't have it. "Don't you have it? Poor Diana then - Aaron?" Zyc didn't turn, knowing Aaron would have a blade to Dianas throat. And Diana stood still - because that's what he told her to do.

"Stop! - look the book is in a safe place." Opal reassured, Kali and Zyc shared a look.

"Lying little bitch." Kali spat, glaring at her.

"Hand us Diana and we'll tell you." Tyler took a step forward, eyes trained on Aaron with a cold stare. Aaron merely pressed his mouth the her ear lobe, continuing to make eye contact. He felt Diana squirm - of course she'd want to enact something. "Let her go." Tyler spat, taking a step forward. Aaron smirked at the helplessness in the boys eyes. He could do nothing.

"We have the Lyśtra - Aaron and Diana come with us alone - and we'll take them to it." Diana tensed in his grip. Liar. Liar. Diana knew the group were going to kill her Aaron. It was written across their plan.

"You don't have it here - we kill the girl." Zyc drew hid blade - Aaron this time tensed. In battle stance - he was ready to shift - to kill his own kind and the witnesses. Diana was his. He'd be gods damned if he let someone kill her.

"We have the Lyśtra - do you think I'd say this if we weren't desperate." Diana hated how well she lied.

"Forged from mountains they stay and reign - fighting monsters ever so plain. Hurt and fear is all they know - hide away when it snows. For death is no greater ally to the Battles." Diana found herself saying. And everyone in the clearing froze. The wind howled - changing direction and causing goosebumps to sprout up her arms. Her mortal body the only one effected by the change.

"That - she - you've read the Lyśtra?" Kali took a shuddering step back. "You memorized it." Another step. Everyone else horror strucken faces stared at her. Aarons blade lowered to his side - utter shock on his face.

How did she know?

"How do you know?" Opal gasped, her eyes having rings glow around them.

Witch. Aarons blood spat. Opal was a witch.

But Diana was a mortal - and somehow had read and memorized the very thing they were holding her hostage for. Because in that moment - all anyone saw was that Diana was the Lyśtra.

Kali took a step forward and Aaron growled.

"I will keep you safe - but I want answers." Aaron spat quietly into his humans ear.

"Aaron." Zycs tone warning. "The Lyśtra belongs to our kin. If she knows - "

"She's mine - you will not touch what is mine." Aarons voice was laced with venom - the other group had weapons drawn. He couldn't fight them off - well he could - but Diana needed to be kept safe.

Shoving Diana behind him - he did the very thing he didn't want her to see.

Aaron shifted.

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