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The bell rang and hoards of students came rushing out of classrooms, Yoongi and Jungkook met up with a few of their friends before going into the cantine,

"you guys going to go eat with the rich kids again today? " Yugyeom asked letting out a sigh as he placed food onto his tray,

"No, that was a one time thing they were pretty boring" Jungkook replied giving the group a small smile,

"that's not what you seemed to think when you posted on instagram" Jimin said harshly, turning around quickly and walking to a table with the rest of the group 

"c'mon Jimin, Taehyung's a nice guy" Baekhyun said standing up for his two friends and Taehyung who was his room mate and also friend, they lived in the same frat hous, but i'll get into all that later.

Jimin shrugged as he sat down with the others. 

"Anyway i've told Taehyung we'd stop talking and i wouldn't eat with him again" Jungkook said as he pulled out his phone and noticed a message off Taehyung, his eyes widened, he had such an urge to at least see what the other said but that would completely contradict what he had just said, so he shrugged and placed his phone back in his pocket.

Meanwhile Yoongi was having a crisis,

"What do you mean ?? Why would you say that?? i thought i'd finally have an excuse to hang out with Hoseok" Yoongi sighed, placing his chin on the table and siging in defeat.

"You can still talk with Hoseok, i just won't be there" Jungkook said without even looking  at Yoongi and focusing on his apple which for the moment he simply stared at, as he leaned to bite into the fruit his friend caught his attention,

"Speak of the devil" Jin said signalling with a nod towards the direction of the doorway where four very well dressed boys stood, they entered like in one of those movies where basically everyone would stop and stare in awe at the richest most handsome boy in school, they grabbed trays and food and looked around for a place to sit..

"hey Kookie your 'friends' are staring at us " Yugyeom nudged Jungkook's arm with his elbow, Jungkook,who had by now turned to his phone trying to not seem interrested the boys, shook his head.

"Just ignore them" he replied focusing on his instagram feed, he scrolled and liked a few posts, he was one of those people who was oddly picky about what he liked on social media,

"Hey Kookie, stalking my instagram again?" 

The said boy's eyes widened hearing the nickname spoken by such a deep voice, he turned his head to see Taehyung, who had obviously pushed Yugyeom so he could lean his elbows on the table. At first Jungkook blushed very lightly seeing how close the older was, but very quickly regained his senses, he let out a huff and turned back to his phone, Taehyung pouted trying to be cute,

"Are you not speaking to me?" he asked tilting his head back but still slightly to one side so he could see the whole of Jungkook's face,

The younger kept scrolling completely ingnoring Taehyung's presence while the other boys at the table just sat and stared.

Taehyung grinned at the raven haired and stood up behind him,

"This pretty boy's playing hard to get he chuckled, babe reassure me you aren' just going to eat an apple to survive the day?" no answer, he then just sighed and turned to the younger's friends," any of you guys want to join us for lunch?"

Baekhyun and Yoongi both smiled and nodded, eating with the people they each had a crush on was an offer they could not turn down.Jin,Jimin and Yugyeom were not so joyous and all glared at the two other boys who then slumped in their chairs with a sigh and had to say no.

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