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Baekhyun and Taehyung were both in the kitchen of their frat house preparing the food and drink,

"so you basically invited the whole school and the kids from your old school?" Baekhyun eyed Taehyung  as he poured a spirit into a bowl that that already contained some other juices and probably alcohol mixed with some juice, Taehyung nodded in response a large grin spreading across his face, soon another member of their frat entered the kitchen, Felix Lee.

"You guys take forever, for fuck sake people are arriving"he said standing in the doorway crossed over his chest, Taehyung lightly hit Felix across the head,

“That's no way to speak to your elders” He pushed passed the younger and placed the plate of brownies on the table.

“Uh saying that while holding a plate of brownies,you're such a grandma Taehyung” Felix laughed and Taehyung rolled his eyes at him.

“Well trust me my grandma never made these sort of brownies..” he said back with a smirk, Baekhyun was now carrying the big bowl of drink, Felix simply stood confused .

“They're pot brownies dumbass” Baekhyun finally said, the youngers mouth formed an 'o' and he then grinned,

“well can't wait to try those later,” he looked down at his phone “ZAYUM look at the time, i've got to pick up my girlfriend, see you guys later” he quickly waved and ran out of the house.

“Pfff that kid..” Taehyung said a fond smile on his lips as he watched him run off on the phone apologizing profusely to his girlfriend for being late. Baekhyun then let out a little caugh to grab his attention, Taehyung turned and looked down at him with a questionning look,

“It's 7:05 Tae.” He said obviously, but Taehyung just grew even more confused,

"don't you have someone to pick up too?"

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit, thanks for reminding Baekhyun! Shit shit shit shit shit” He ran out the house repeating the same little tune all the way to his car and started driving towards Jungkook's small house.

"No Jimin i'm alright i already have a it's not Yugyeom.....or's none of our friends, well of your friends.......Jimin!!...... i'll see you there.. bye"

Jungkook pressed his finger on his screen ending the call before looking at his reflection in the mirror one more, time letting out yet another loud sigh. He put his hands through his hair hoping it would look nicer and turned to see the time,

'Of course he's late, he's probably not even coming, I may just not go-'Jungkook was cut off from his thoughts by a knock on the door. He sighed yet again and made his way downstairs to the hallway.

He opened the door the door and as expected there stood Taehyung his back turned to the door his left patting his left thigh as though he was stressed. When he realized the door was open he quickly turned to look at Jungkook and the biggest box shape grin spread across his face, Jungkook tried to fight but he shighly smiled back.

“Hey Kooks I'm so sorry i'm late” Jungkook's smile turn to a frown when he noticed the cigarette Taehyung held in his right hand. Noticing the youngers dismay he quickly let go of it and crushed it under his shoe, he looked back up with the same bright smile, only to be met by Jungkook still frowning at him, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Throw it in the trash then come on.” Jungkook pointed to the grey bins that were luckily just next to Taehyung and turned around to go inside leaving the door slightly open. Taehyung picked up the crushed cigarette end and rushed to put it in one of the bins , a few seconds later he joined Jungkook inside his living room where Jungkook was sitting on the sofa putting his shoes on.

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