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It was thursday morning and so far Jungkook's week had been awful. On monday he had basically cried all day after the fight with Taehyung and ended up falling asleep wrapped up in a blanket that smelled of him.

On Tuesday he returned to school ,everything was slightly awkward cause his friends knew something was wrong which lead him obviously to being forced to tell his best friend Yoongi.
The whole week so far Taehyung didn't show up at all, which made Jungkook worry although he wouldn't admit it.
Baekhyun was busy hanging out with his boyfriend Chanyeol and would make sure to have as little conversation as possible with Jungkook.

On wednesday he had his date with Jieun which he did enjoy but not in the way he should have.
Even though he wished he didn't, he knew that he only liked her as a friend, yet he still ignored it and chose this admiration for the very popular girl was a crush. Of course it was, what else would a straight boy think of her.
The Wednesday night when he got home was when he received the messages from his confused friends, and when he sort of had a mini fight with Baekhyun.

Which then lead him to today, Thursday, Jungkook was now at college, walking down the hallways next to his best friend, basically sighing every two seconds.

“Ok Kookie what the hell is wrong i'm not going to be able to cope with your emo ass sighing all day. You're dating one of the nicest, coolest, prettiest girls in school you should be filled with joy!” Yoongi snapped, deep down knowing the younger wasn't that ecstatic about the whole 'dating situation'.

“I don't know Yoongi, I don't think I-”

“Jeon Jungkook”

Before Jungkook could turn around he was slammed against the lockers that lined the side of the hallways.

“Okay you mess around with me , that's fine I have no right to be angry I do it to so many chicks it'd be unfair for me to be angry,” His eyes were met with Taehyung's that were filled with anger. “But you don't say I hurt you, cause I never did, I never would..”The elder's gaze softened a little, sort of as though he was going to cry but at the same time staying angry.


“Kim Taehyung, you get your filthy hands off him right now, and get out of my sight!!”

The three boys turned hearing the soft, but very angry, voice (Yoongi was still there just watching the scene unravel). There, at the end of the hallway, stood a furious and determined Jieun, her long black hair tied back in a blue ribbon and although her long bangs basically covered her eyebrows you could tell they were furrowed.

Taehyung chuckled and stood straight, backing away from Jungkook.

“So you two actually a thing?” He asked, looking in the direction of Jieun but refusing to make any eye contact with anyone.

“Yes we are, so I suggest you back off of my b-boyfriend.”She said her hands turning to fists. Taehyung chuckled and nodded. Following the girl's orders, he turned and walked the other way, while Jieun ran up to Jungkook.

“Kookie are you alright?”Her and Yoongi asked in synchronisation, once the younger nodded she turned around and hit the others shoulder with a pout.

“You weren't much help were you!! Your best friend was basically getting bullied and you just-”

“Taehyung wasn't bullying Jungkook, I would've interrupted if it went wrong.” Yoongi crossed his arms over his stomach and rolled his eyes. Jieun turned back to Jungkook.

“Sorry for saying you were my boyfriend, I thought that would make him back off a little”She almost whispered. The idea that Taehyung thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend gave Jungkook a weird almost sickening feeling in his stomach.

“It's fine I don't mind”He said with a small smile, Jieun hummed in response.

“I need to get to class, you should too.” Jungkook nodded, noticing how awkward everyone seemed to feel.

They all began to walk their separate ways but Jieun stopped and turned to the two younger boys.

“Jungkook, your mother told me to come over tonight, in case you didn't know.” Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and gave her a questioning look, very confused by her statement.


“Well she told me your parents were coming over and- She didn't tell you she was coming did she?” This wouldn't have been the first time his parents were planning appear at his door without telling him, but Jieun would always know, seeing as she was always invited. Jungkook shook his head.

“O-of course yeah, sorry forgot it was already thursday. Yeah so i'll see you tonight..”Jieun's face lit up at the answer and turned skipping down the hallway.

The two boys sighed,

“Well that was fucking awkward.”Yoongi muttered as they began walking again, Jungkook hummed in reply.

There was a short silence.

“You don't like her like that, do you Jungkook?” The younger's head shot up his doe eyes wide open staring at his best friend. He then lowered it again and shook his head, he knew he couldn't lie to Yoongi.

“Does she like you ?”

“I think so if not she w-”

“I mean does she have romantic feelings for you or does she have a rich family like yours who constantly puts pressure on her.”

Jungkook shook is head again,

“I don't know Yoongi..”

Yoongi sighed and wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulders reassuringly.

“It'll sort itself out, I think Jieun would be pretty understanding..”

“Yoongi you can't tell anyone what I just told you, if my parents found out-”The elder rolled his eyes and scoffed.

“How the hell would they find out, there aren't spies in school.”

Jungkook shrugged and they made their way to their classrooms in silence.



Anyway I hope you're enjoying the story I don't know how long it's going to be yet but :/

Btw hope you don't mind a good old stereotypical story line but I couldn't see how else this could turn out seeing as I forgot the original plot

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