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Jungkook groaned at the thrustrating sound of his phone vibrating against the wood of the bedside table next to him. He opened his eyes as little as possible and reached out to grab his phone.



His eyes widened a little at the sight, he opened his messaging app and scrolled through the messages, skimming over them briefly.





He scrolled down further, growing more and more concerned the more he read.

I'm going home,last person who saw you said you went upstairs with Taehyung ??? Don't do anything you'll regret Jungkook.

I'm guessing you did do something you regretted

His breath hitched, that deffinetly woke him up, he quickly sat up and took in his surroundings.This was deffinetly not Jungkook's room, it was way more messy han his.

A knot formed in his stomach when he heard a deep groan coming from beside him, he really hoped it wasn't what he thought. He looked down to the sleeping figure next to him. Oh god it so was what he thought.

He quickly got out of bed,

“Shit shit shit shit fuck fuck fuck fuck!!” he said under his breath as he tip toed over to the bathroom, closing the door and answering the phone that was still vibrating.

“Oh so you are alive” his friend said from the other side of the line, obviously highly unimpressed.

“Yoongi what the hell happened last night did me and Tae have... SEX ??” Jungkook asked as soon as he heard the other speak.

“I have no idea, I left with Hoseok, It wouldn't be a surprise though, the last time I saw you were on his lap, making out,basically dry humping. Trust me even though I was completely drunk I did NOT want to see that..” Jungkook fell silent, this was bad, really bad. He felt so embarrassed, not only did he make out with Taehyung, but in public, where people could see him.

“Did you just say Hoseok?” He decided changing the subject was the closest he'd get to them both forgetting. This time Yoongi fell silent

“Maybe, but at least I know if I slept with him or not. Anyway get out of the frat house before he wakes up then call me back”

“No, Yoongi, you have to tell me w-” before the younger could finish his sentence, Yoongi had hung up.

He sighed and mentally prepared himself for what awaited on the other side of the door.

He motivated himself and after one heavy breath he opened the door and picked his clothes off the floor. He hopped around getting his jeans on, trying his best to be as quiet as possible.

“morning beautiful, leaving so soon?” A deep voice followed by a yawn came from behind him, Jungkook felt shiver down his spine, he bit his lip hesitantly, than turned to face the bed.

“Look Tae I don't really know what happened last night but I-”

“Nothing happened.”


“Nothing happened.” Upon hearing those words Jungkook sighed in relief, which was fllowed by a surpised gasp when he was tugged down onto the bed, landing directly (and purposely) on Taehyung's lap.

“You did start to undress us,but I made sure you didn't do anything you'd regret in the morning... Also you fell asleep as soon as you got your shirt off, that used up your last drop of energy” He said casually.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked up at Taehyung, a shade of pink brushing over his cheeks.

“What makes you think i'd regret anything ?”he asked, knowing fully well himself he already regretted the affection he gave the elder. Taehyung simply laughed, the answer saddly was obvious to him aswell.

“Get dressed and i'll go make us something to eat, you can keep my tshirt on for the moment.” he said placing a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and left the room. Jungkook sat on the bed his houghts going all over the place, he lay down and yelled into a pillow.

“It was a one night thing, you were drunk, it's a party, everyone was high,drunk or both, you can always say they were tripping. Anyway we're both straight, its a friendship thing right? Friends always do that...” He tried to convince himself, the vibration of his phone in his back pocket woke him up from his little 'daydream' .


Agent Bunny I'm going to need a mission report


Good news!! I didn't have sexual intercourse with Kim Taehyung :D

he's making me breakfast rn and I think I smell either pancakes or waffles so maybe staying a little longer

i'll call you later tho :)


Jungkook made his way out of the room and followed the warm delicious smell and the sound of laughter. It had a nice feel to it, walking down the stairs to the kitchen knowing he'd be met by the sound of 'good mornings' and friendly faces, the feel of the small kiss Taehyung left on his forehead lingering. If it were the same every morning he would not complain.

He finally reached the kitchen where he saw Baekhyun and Taehyung making waffles and pancakes.

“Oh hey Kookie you sleep well?” Baekhyun asked with a grin lifting his gaze from the large bowl of pancake mix he was wtirring.

“Pretty good thanks,” he smiled down at the ground, a light blush on his cheeks, Taehyung smiled fondly noticing, “uhm, what time is it?”

“About 2 pm” Taehyung said softly, feeeling incedibly weak for the younger who's eyes widened in surprise.

“And to think I wasn't supposed to stay long..”Jungkook,muttered rubbing his forehead.

“same” A rough and tired voice said behind him,he turned to see Chanyeol walking in slightly hunched over.

“Oh Chanyeol, I didn't see you sleeping on the couch?”Taehyung tilted his head noticing the other exchanging looks with Baekhyun who cleared his throat before speaking,

“He uhm slept with me...”

Taehyung grew more confused,

“But I heard you, last night you had someone in there with you- oooh”

Chanyeol smirked and went over to Baekhyun wrapping his arms around the other's waist. Jungkook smiled at the two fondly, another adorable couple that would make him cry over his lack of a relationship.

He then felt an arm grabbing his waist and pulling him towards the owner which was none other than Taehyung who was smirking down at him mischieviously, Jungkook gave him a questionning look.

“Breakfast?” The elder held up a plate, Jungkook smiled and took the plate.

“ So I don't even get a thank you?” he pouted, the younger huffed and rolled his eyes before smirking and pecking the others lips.

“thanks” he said and walked off into the living room leaving Taehyung completely speechless while Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed at the scene in a corner.

Jungkook sat down on the couch and stared down at his food, realisation suddenly hit him,

'F U C K'

Next part is back on Instagram
I hope you're enjoying the story so far I'm having to rewrite everything it's a bit of a pain really :/

probably will be posting part 16 like right now so :))

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