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Jungkook stopped in his steps and turned to face his maths teacher who was leaning against his desk. The bell had just rang and he just wanted to go home, especially as he knew his parents could arrive any minute.

"Yes Mr Lee?" He said politely, Mr Lee lifted up Jungkook's last sheet of homework.

"This is the latest homework sheet, you got a B+. This worries me Jungkook because in maths you only get, C- or D. Now I want you to be honest with me Jeon, did you or did you not get a student to do your homework for you?" Jungkook's eyes widened at the professor's assumption.

"Sir are you accusing me of bullying?"

"No, I mean sort of. But you must understand, this isn't the sort of thing that happense, over a weekend a student suddenly being good at a subject he was quite frankly terrible at." He explained sheepishly.

"No sir I wouldn't do that I uhm.." Jungkook looked down at his toes, "Taehyung, Kim Taehyung helped me this sunday."

Mr Lee paused for a second , and then his face lit up, his eyes shining.

"Why that's brilliant!!" He strutted to the back of the class where there sat a student, head resting in his arms. He had obviously fallen asleep during the lesson and hadn't heard the bell ring.

'Oh no..'

Mr Lee picked up a notebook and stood behind the boy. Jungkook just watched as his teacher lifted his arm and hit the sleeping boy across the head with it, making him sit straight up with a yelp, he looked around disorientated.
'Of course it had to be Taehyung it wouldn't be any fun if it were anyone else in this whole school'

"Kim Taehyung! What a coincidence we were just talking about you!!" The teacher said giddily as he walked back towards the front of the classroom where Jungkook was still standing.

"Only good things I hope." The sleep deprived boy said roughly, which reminded Jungkook of the morning after the part and how- nope nope nope not going there. The older student got up and followed slowly.

"Yes well Jeon was just telling me about how you helped him understand maths, as a result he got a B+ !!"
Taehyung nodded an impressed look on his face, he was starting to wake up more bit by bit.

"Taehyung I would like you to tutor Jungkook." The two boys stared at each other hesitantly.

"Sir, I think there's other people that could be a lot more fit for that role, I have practice most days anyway." Jungkook nodded prefusely in agreement , Mr Lee clicked his tongue and shook his head, his face which seconds ago was very cheerful turned serious.

"Kim Taehyung you will help Jungkook, if you do not I will make sure you don't have training for the rest of the rest of the semester." The two gulped and Taehyung slowly nodded.

"Good so when will you next meet?" The teacher's face lit up and he was cheerful again, Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I'll come over to yours tomorrow around 5" He said sharply barely looking at Jungkook.

"Brilliant!! Okay you can both go now, I'll see you monday, seeing as we don't have class together tomorrow." He basically pushed the two students out of his classroom.

Taehyung began walking away at a fast pace,

"See you tomorrow Kook." He said without even glancing back over his shoulder to look at the younger, Jungkook ran to catch up with him.

"Taehyung you can't come tomorrow!!" Taehyung rolled his eyes at his statement.

"Listen, I don't necessarily want to spend time with you either, but you heard Lee,and if you think I'm giving up training just so you don't cope with me a few hours a week you are strongly mistaken!" Jungkook's breath hitched for a second, he looked down.

"My parents are here until saturday, that's the only reason you can't come tomorrow." He said quietly. Taehyung could simply answer with a quiet 'oh'.

After a few seconds of silence the taller boy spoke.

"Your parents are the owners of Jeon enterprise aren't they?"

Jungkook noddded, obviously upset .

"I'll come, I want to meet them. Don't worry I won't do anything 'gay' or embarrassing." He shrugged and began to walk again, Jungkook lifted his hed in shock, he took a few paces to catch up with the elder, grasping his sweater lighlty.


The elder turned around to look at the younger who was trying his best to seem angry, glaring up at him with furrowed eyebrows and an undeniably cute pout on his pink lips. But the whole angry face turned into a face marked with upset as soon as he spoke.

"You really don't want to spend time with me ? "

Taehyung's expression also softened, how could he not want to spend time with such a- Taehyung didn't want his weakness for Jungkook to show, so he quickly pushed that thought out of the way. His eyes seemed to get a little darker, his softened expression hidden back behind a tough one.

"To be honest Jungkook, no I don't want to spend time with you." He snapped "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that coldly said he turned away walking out the building leaving Jungkook, making sure to be as cold as possible.

As soon as he was out of the school gates he sighed, the soft expression returning to his features.

Taehyung couldn't let it be seen, but he knew, he was wrapped around Jungkook's perfect little finger. And that wasn't seemingly going to change any time soon.


We been blessed again

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