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Jungkook released the bags he was carrying with a loud sigh, he made his way to the couch and fell right onto it, Taehyung followed him into the living and chuckled.

“I can't believe we're having pizza for christmas dinner.”He said, walking into the kitchen and unpacking the bags, Jungkook hummed in response scrolling through his phone. Taehyung walked over to him and sat down on the floor next to him.

“What's up? You went all quiet on the ride home.”Jungkook locked his phone and placed it on his stomach, he turned to look at Taehyung and found himself gazing going over all his features, he hummed and began playing with strands of his hair that fell on his forehead.

“I'm super tired that's all, and we have this party..”

“Kooks we don't have to go if you don't want to.”Jungkook smiled a little at the word 'we'.

“No, I just don't want to stay too late, and I don't think i'll drink too much.”Taehyung smiled fondly and kissed the youngers forehead and turned back to the kitchen to finish unpacking the shopping bags.


The party was mostly the jocks and their friends this time,not a huge house party like the last time. That hadn't stopped most of them from getting absolutely hammered. Jungkook had kept his word about not drinking too much but the 'not staying late bit' didn't really stick.
It was now 2:30 in the morning and the taxis started arriving to pick most of the guests up, the only two that were fit and cleaning up the place was Taehyung and Jungkook, as they hadn't really drank much.
"I think we should probably get them into bed." Taehyung said,pointing the two basically passed out boys on the couch, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Jungkook nodded and made his way over to Baekhyun and helping him up the stairs with his arms under the others shoulders, Taehyung doing the same with Chanyeol.
They got them both to bed and thought it was okay to leave when Baekhyun jolted up, his eyes wide,
"Puke." He managed to utter before slapping one over his mouth, whilst the other pointed towards it. Jungkook quickly rushed over to the desk and grabbed the trash can and managed to save the bed sheets from being covered in vomit. He sighed and went to the bathroom to clean up.
"You don't have to clean up after him you know?" Taehyung said from behind him, Jungkook chuckled,
"He won't be fit enough to do it tomorrow so I might aswell help him now." The elder hummed before going back into the other room,not longer after, Jungkook followed, placing the now clean trash can back where it belonged.
"Uhm Kooks.." He heard Taehyung say shyly as he turned towards him, Jungkook looked up at him to see him looking up at the ceiling where some mistletoe hung. Jungkook giggled lightly and pulled the elder down to his level by the collar of his shirt.
"Merry Christmas Tae." And with that said he connected their lips, the older took a second to realise what was happening, but soon closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. Whether it was the fact that it was Christmas or the fact that they kind of both fancied each other, the kiss felt sort of magical, although they had kissed before, it felt like the real thing this time, it was perfect- or at least until they heard a little grunt making them pull away from each other.
"Could you go somewhere else, some of us are trying to sleep." Baekhyun grumbled before covering his head over with his blanket. The two boys giggled and ran out of the bedroom holding hands, as soon as they were in the hallway, Jungkook's back was against the wall and their lips met once again, moving in synchronization.
The Taehyung pulled away, he couldn't help but grin, his forehead leaning against Jungkook's and the tips of their noses touching,
"All I want for Christmas is you Jeon Jungkook." The older whispered making Jungkook giggle.
"Kim Taehyung that was absolutely disgusting." He leaned up and gave him another small kiss.
Jungkook looked down at his phone,
"We should go it's almost 3 a.m."
Taehyung's eyes widened,
"Well you might aswell come home with me seeing as you are expected to appear on my doorstep at 10." Jungkook answered,his hands that were previously placed on the back of the others neck, now move to cup his cheeks.
"Do I have to be on your doorstep?" Taehyung asked with a fake pout, Jungkook laughed at the other trying (and managing) to be cute. They exchanged one last short but sweet kiss and made their way to the front door, they got their coats and shoes on, went out to the car and drove to Jungkook's.


Jungkook snuggled further into the warmth around him, not wanting to wake up, but no matter how hard he tried, he was awake now. He opened his eyes and was met by a bare, tanned, very nicely sculpted, chest.
"'Morning" That familiar deep voice spoke, he looked up and was met by Taehyung who had just woken up, how was a man so beautiful when he had just woken up from a night of not much sleep? Little did Jungkook know, Taehyung was thinking the exact same thing about him.
"Merry Christmas Kooks." He said looking down at him with a tired but still incredibly fond smile. Jungkook leaned up and pecked the others lips.
"Merry Christmas Tae." He yawned and rubbed his eyes before asking, "Shall I go make some coffee and we can start making our Christmas breakfast pancakes?" They both shared the same smile.
"That sounds perfect." He said and placed a light kiss on Jungkook's nose. They slowly got out of bed, Taehyung looked around for his t-shirt, as he was only in sweatpants, only to see Jungkook, who was making his way to the door, was wearing it.
"Kooks." He called and the other turned to face him,"my t-shirt?" He said with a smile, Jungkook looked down at the oversized t-shirt and back at Taehyung.
"But then I'll only be in shorts."
"I won't mind"  Jungkook scrunched his nose, and his lips turned to a pout,
"Sure you wouldn't." Taehyung chuckled at the younger's reaction,
"If you give me my t-shirt you can wear my sweater." He said with a smirk and Jungkook grinned , nodding enthusiastically. Taehyung threw over his sweater and Jungkook caught it hugging it as if it was the best gift he could receive for Christmas.
He hesitated for a second before taking the t-shirt off and throwing at Taehyung, immediately after slipping on the Thrasher sweater, pulling up the hood and discreetly sniffing the collar, taking in Taehyung's odor.
They made their way downstairs into the kitchen, Jungkook looked down at his phone while putting on the coffee machine, he smiled and turned to Taehyung who was prepping the pancake mix.
"Mum and dad wish us both a merry Christmas!" He said and Taehyung cooed and the younger and his family.

Once they had finished in the kitchen,they sat down with their pancakes and coffee on the couch next to the Christmas tree where the presents sat.
"Okay so this is your first gift off me," Taehyung said handing Jungkook a very oddly shaped gift.
"Thank you, I only got you one, sorry." Jungkook said handing him a fairly large box.
"It's fine Jungkook, it's nothing, there's only one present that's actually worth something, and none of it is that special. Thank you." Taehyung placed to other gifts next to Jungkook's lap.
Jungkook unwrapped the first gift, it was a bottle of bright red hair dye and some hair bleach.
"You said you wanted to dye your hair like that server in the coffee shop, I thought maybe we could do it today or at some point soon." Taehyung laughed, Jungkook's eyes seemed to sparkle, Taehyung laughed at how easily pleased he seemed to be,
"Come on open your other gifts."
He opened his other gifts, one was a really nice quality sketchbook and the other was a wrist chain with a little silver crown on.
"Okay so, uhm basically, the first time I texted you was because Yoongi commented on my post saying I was your prince charming, that's why it's got a little crown," Taehyung chuckled nervously looking away, as Jungkook's gaze was focused on him, " basically, I originally was going to ask you to be my boyfriend today, but now I don't know if we already are." Taehyung finally looked up at Jungkook who was grinning again, revealing that how much he looked like an adorable bunny.
"Yes. Yes we're boyfriends. Oh my god yes!!" Jungkook jumped onto Taehyung's lap, wrapping his arms and legs around him. He peppered kisses all over his face, giggles came out between each one, until he reached his lips and there he places two longer deeper ones, Taehyung added another kiss and pulled back, both boys grinning at each other like absolute idiots.
"Thought you were straight Kooks." Taehyung chuckled,
"As straight as a bendy ruler." Jungkook answered his usual giggle.
They continued opening the presents off Jungkook's parents bought him and Taehyung opened Jungkook's gift to him, it was a film camera, the exact one he was trying to buy.
"How the hell did you know? I've never told you I wanted it." Taehyung asked in utter shock.
"I asked Hoseok and Baekhyun, if it weren't for them you'd probably be getting socks." Jungkook joked,
"Thank you Kooks, I would have been happy with just that though."
Once they had finally opened all the gifts, they sat watching Christmas movies while eating their Christmas pizza.
Their whole Christmas was filled with cuddles and exchanging kisses, as though everything had magically changed between them over night. It was around three in the afternoon when Jungkook was starting to get bored and they decided it was finally time to dye his hair.

Taehyung ended up staying the night at Jungkook's once again, so glad he could finally call the younger his.

This part was super sappy but meh
Hope y'all got all the BTS merch you asked for and stuff ;)
Two more parts coming for the Christmas parts :)

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