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"Oh my god Jungkook I don't think I'm going to survive the dance."

"What, why?" Jungkook turned to his friend who was sat opposite him sipping a cookie milkshake, Jimin swallowed the drink and shook his head.

"It's Hobi and Yoongi, they look so hot and- Oh god, do you realize, Yoongi is becoming more and more dominant, I don't want to be the little bottom in the relationship!!" He said trying not be too loud, although if they were alone he would be shouting.

"I thought you and Yoongs switched."

"Yeah but he's fully taking over at the moment, it's not okay!!" Jungkook sipped at his chocolate milkshake and shrugged.

"Sorry can't relate, my top days are over." Jimin burst out laughing.

"When the hell have you ever been a top?" Jungkook pouted, accepting defeat, he could never see himself top, not since he met Taehyung.

"Maybe you should just talk to him." Jungkook said sipping his drink, Jimin rolled

"As if that would change anyth-"

"Hey baby, hey Jungkook." The two looked up to see Hoseok standing by the table, with a chocolate milkshake in one hand and three suit bags in the other. He put everything down and then came back with two more milkshakes, one mint choc chip the other strawberry.

"You got enough milkshakes there Hobi?" Jimin asked with a giggle.

"They're for Tae and Yoongs" He answered, sitting next to his boyfriend, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Where is Tae?" Jungkook asked looking around, Hoseok smirked.

"The sellers won't believe that the order is his, he's trying to convince them it is, Yoongi stayed with him." He answered taking a sip from his mint choc chip milkshake, "I got ours though baby." He turned to Jimin smiling, the younger grinned and clapped hi hands in excitement. Jungkook hmphed and leaned his head in his hand.

"What were you two talking about by the way?" Jimin suddenly turned serious, this was a huge concern of his and Hoseok would surely find it just as worrying.

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed but at the moment Yoongi's being , like, super dominant, and you know we switch but the last time I've been the slightest bit dominant was like last month or something. And you know we don't have sex once a month, we're pretty damn regular."

Hoseok looked up from his phone to see the intense look on his boyfriend's face and chuckled.

"Guess so, but that's your problem not mine, sort it out with him."

"Oh- it's not your problem huh, why don't me and Yoongi both top tonight, that'd be hot huh?" Biting down on his lip, Jimin, who originally said that jokingly, actually quite enjoyed the idea. Hoseok on the other hand, did not, he scoffed and leaned over to him looking right into his eyes from a very close distance.

"Oh baby you wish but we both no the only thing that gets you to your orgasm is daddy's cock, same goes for Yoongs." Jimin blushed and looked at his boyfriend unable to even utter a response.

"Oh my god seriously- You guys have a daddy kink??" The two looked to where Jungkook was sat opposite them, "Oh yeah hi guys, sorry to interrupt but I'm still here and wouldn't mind not having you two being gross while I try and enjoy my milkshake." Hoseok rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"As if, bet you're always screaming for Taehyung with like a really gross name like- Master!!"

"Babe, I called you master the other day and you came immediately." Jimin answered, picking at his nails, Jungkook giggled.

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