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It was around eleven and most of the boys were obviously completely drunk, all except for Taehyung and Jungkook, who were tipsy, but not laying around laughing like idiots, which is what they were watching everyone else do.
"I'll call them a taxi." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded, the older went into the hallway to make the call while Jungkook tidied away the bottle of vodka and the shot glasses.
"Kookiiiiieeee what are you doing we hadn't finished!!" Jimin said with his eyebrows furrowed and a prominent pout.
"There's nothing left in the bottle, you guys finished it all." Jungkook looking down at him and his two boyfriends.
"What?? Guys I think we should head back to the frat, there's plenty of alcohol there!" Hoseok yelled, everyone cheering at such a statement.
"Yes well Tae's calling a taxi for you now." Jungkook said, sighing in relief and giving him a thumbs up.
"Should be here in ten minutes guys, just wait a few more minutes." He added.
Jungkook made his way into the kitchen, Taehyung once again following him in.
"Is it impossible for you to let me go in the kitchen on my own." Taehyung chuckled at the statement and helped put the glasses in the dishwasher.
"I'm helping you like a good boyfriend." Taehyung said as he closed the dishwasher door, he made his way over to his boyfriend, his arms slithering around his waist and pulling him closer.
"You didn't drink too much tonight did you Kooks?" He looked down at him, Jungkook shook his head and plastered a smirk on his lips.
"Don't worry I think I should be ready for that nap you were talking about earlier."
Taehyung smirked back at the words,
"Better get those idiots out of the house quick then."

It ended up being the longest 10 minutes ever, once the taxi finally arrived most of the boys could barely walk so Taehyung and Jungkook had to help them out.
They went back into the house and sat on the couch with synchronized sighs, they both sat there for a few minutes feeling as though they had just had to take care of some annoying children.

"You still wanna-"
Almost immediately their energy came back to them, the both jumped of the couch and basically ran upstairs. As soon as they made it past the doorway to Jungkook's room and shut the door behind them, their lips were smashed together. Jungkook hopped up and wrapped his legs around Taehyung who instantly grabbed his thighs, he stumbled back a little but made his way over to the bed, their lips passionately moving against each other as Taehyung's tongue explored Jungkook's dark wet cavern.
He put Jungkook down on the bed and hovered over him, the younger let out a sweet moan of disappointment as Taehyung pulled  away, but when the older began kissing down his jawline, he extended his neck so the older wouldn't miss a single spot.
Taehyung travelled down to his neck where he began sucking and biting on the younger's tender skin, leaving marks all the way down to his collar bone.
He pulled away and went back to his lips, as they kissed sloppily Taehyung's hand made Jungkook's shirt, he pressed his thumb against his sensitive buds making Jungkook whimper, Taehyung smirked against the others lips hearing the effect he was giving the younger,both of them feeling a bulge grow in between their legs as Taehyung's lower region rubbed against Jungkook's, the clothes they wore causing friction.
Taehyung once again broke the kiss this time to make his way to the bedside table, he opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom, making Jungkook grin, he shuffled further onto the bed and pulled off his t-shirt and waited for Taehyung to return and join him, they reconnected their lips, Jungkook's hands entangled in Taehyung's hair.
They pulled away for a second as Jungkook clumsily pulled off the older's shirt, Taehyung then grabbed him and pulled him in, their bare chests touching.
Taehyung finally began undoing and pulling Jungkook's jeans, his boxers going down with them, his cock springing upwards and slapping against his stomach. Jungkook watched as Taehyung unscrewed the bottle and covered his long fingers with lube, he slid his first finger in, Jungkook bit his lip, not wanting to seem weak at only one finger, in response to the lack of reaction, Taehyung basically immediately entered a second finger. This time Jungkook let out a moan which was silenced by Taehyung's lips being pressed into his, the older began thrusting his fingers inside him, Jungkook began rolling his hips against him, Taehyung spread his fingers out to open him up properly, the thrusts growing slightly faster, finally a third finger was slid in, Jungkook once again trying to contain his moan, but failing.
He finally pulled his fingers out, considering he'd opened the younger enough, he stood up on his knees and pulled off his trousers and boxers, he slid the condom onto his erect member.
Jungkook felt the head against him and then with a thrust, Taehyung was half inside him, Jungkook gasped and began breathing sharply. With each thrust Jungkook would let out another small moan, craving more, he managed to speak between the older's movements, he placed his hands on the back of Taehyung's neck and pulled him down, their lips connecting in another sloppy kiss, they pulled away and Taehyung looked down at Jungkook who's hair was wet and stuck to his forehead and his skin glistened from the sweat as his cheeks were flushed and prominently pink.
"You're so god damn beautiful baby." He said between heavy breaths as he continued his backwards and forwards movement.
"Tae, I want to help- I want to ride you." Jungkook managed to say in whiny voice between each of his moans,by this time they were both already quite close to coming.
Taehyung grinned and flipped them both around, it took Jungkook a second to realise the older had basically agreed, but then he sat straight, whimpering slightly as he positioned himself back onto Taehyung's large member, he placed his hands on his boyfriend's toned stomach and began rolling his hips.
Taehyung grabbed a hold of each side of him as he rocked back and forth, his own member slapping against his stomach.
"Ah, Kooks I'm close-" Taehyung spoke through the pants and moans, Jungkook hummed, mostly focusing on himself it seemed.
It wasn't long till Taehyung finally did release himself into the condom, Jungkook would then lift himself off of him.
Taehyung took off the condom and threw it in the bin then he lay on the bed smiling in satisfaction, still panting from the previous actions, he was then suddenly taken back to reality by the soft moans of Jungkook's he was still hearing next to him.
He looked up and was greeted by Jungkook stroking his cock which was still hard, Taehyung immediately sat up.
"Oh my god baby, I'm so sorry!" He said moving closer to him, Jungkook moaned as Taehyung moved his hand out of the way and grabbed ahold of the length and began giving him a hand job.
"It's okay I'm pretty close anyway." Jungkook uttered, leaning back, feeling absolutely hopeless under the older's touch.
Sure enough it was only after a few strokes Jungkook let out strands of white liquid over Taehyung's hand and his own stomach.
Taehyung chuckled and placed a brief, soft kiss on his lips, then on his forehead and then his forehead.
"Let's wash up and go to bed shall we?"
Jungkook smiled and nodded tiredly.


By the time they got into bed it was about quarter past one in the morning, Jungkook was pressed against Taehyung who had his arms wrapped around him.
"I'm so proud of you." Taehyung said tiredly, his eyes were closed and he placed an equally tired on the others forehead. "I know we haven't been together long but, I really really like you Kooks." He said softly, his eyes now ever so slightly open looking down into Jungkook's.
Jungkook grinned and kissed his lips lazily.
"I really really really like you too Tae." They both giggled then closed their eyes.
"Goodnight Tae."
"Goodnight Kooks."

There were a few minutes of silence before soft snores could be heard in the room, Taehyung looked down at the the boys sleeping in his arms. The moment was peaceful, he wished it could always be this peaceful, he wished he didn't have to hurt Jungkook, but saddly, Taehyung was in love with him, so he had no choice but to.


Also y'all have been super active in the last few days, it's so cute, we've got this book to almost 15k reads and 1000 votes and just thank you??
I never expected more than 5 reads so everything means a lot
Thank you thank you thank youuuu

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