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Since they went out to get food that one evening, the group kept hanging out outside of school hours, it was just like before and the whole aura around them felt right. Although, whenever they did hang out, obviously not everyone could make it all the time, but they had never truly hung out all together, it was either Bambam and Yugyeom that wouldn't show up, no one had really payed attention to it, except Taehyung. The two would never both show and on most occasions it would be Bambam, Taehyung can't recall having much conversation with Yugyeom as he'd only met him once or twice, he had noticed the boy would cancel often after Bambam suggested something or confirmed he could show up.
Maybe it was a coincidence, but because of this Yugyeom seemed to be a little separated from the group.

It was a Friday afternoon and all the group were at Jungkook's, which seemed to often be the house they chose to hang out in. They were having a big Just Dance tournament in the living room,
"Kookie there's no more snacks!!" Jimin yelled from where he was sat on Hoseok's lap, Yoongi was sat on the floor beside them, leaning against the two.
"Why can't you go?" Jungkook tore his gaze away from Jin, Baekhyun, Hoseok and Namjoon who were dancing to 'call me maybe' by Carly Rae Jepsen, to glare at the boy, from the opposite side of the table.
"Because I'm trapped." He gestured towards Yoongi, Jungkook rolled his eyes,he got up grabbing the large bowl, and walking toward the kitchen,not realising someone else had followed him in.
He went to the cupboard and found a packet of crisps which he opened and began pouring into the bowl when he felt two arms slide under his arms and wrap around his waist, followed by a chin being placed on his shoulders.
"Hey." The deep voice spoke quietly and Jungkook couldn't help but smile.
"Hey" he answered equally quietly, almost whispering.
"You okay?" Jungkook asked his voice getting louder, to a normal level, but his tone was still soft. Taehyung hummed before lifting his chin up, much to Jungkook's dismay, he moved his arms up and nudged Jungkook's waist as if he was going to spin him around, but Jungkook used that as a signal and turned around on this own.
Taehyung smiled down at his boyfriend, and place his hands back on his wait.
"I miss you." He said, Jungkook's eyes widened at the unexpected words that came out of his mouth, but his expression softened and he chuckled at Taehyung who was pouting in front of him, Jungkook took the pouty lips of the older as an invitation and placed a small kiss onto them, smiling as he pulled away.
"We literally spent the morning together, you're just upset we're not in the same team."
They had decided to split into two teams for their tournament and Taehyung and Jungkook were obviously not in the same one.
"Yes but I want to be in your team, it's so unfair, normally we're the annoying cheesy couple and now I'm in a team with Hobi, Yoongi and Jimin and they're all lovey-dovey and gross. That's our role Kooks!!" Taehyung said, seeming incredibly upset he couldn't disgust his friends by being with his boyfriend. Jungkook laughed once again making Taehyung look at him in disappointment, how dare he mock the tragedy taking place.
"You're such a child Tae." He said, his hands placing themselves onto his chest, somehow fitting perfectly.
"I like showing you off and you know it." Taehyung's pout had returned, he placed a kiss on Jungkook's cheek, causing the younger who was already constantly smiling to smile even more.
"If you want you can stay over tonight." Jungkook said softly, Taehyung's pout turned into a grin, the grin was sweet, but there seemed to be a little hint of evil behind it too.
"I'd love that." As he said that his smile turned to his smirk, his evil little smirk which made Jungkook weak, because he knew what it meant.
"We could go take a nap now if you want." Taehyung added suggestively, Jungkook gulped his cheeks were a deep red and his heart was racing so much, and it somehow beat even faster when his boyfriend began kissing down his jaw and neck. Jungkook tensed up, Taehyung knew how to make him weak, it was impossible for him to say no, he was putting in so much effort not to fall for Taehyung's little manipulation and he was doing well, until he began to feel the older bite lightly at his weak spot between his neck and his shoulder, the action made Jungkook let out the softest moan, that was barely heard but it did manage to reach Taehyung's ears, he hummed against Jungkook's skin as he heard the sweet sound he had produced from his lips.
Taehyung pulled away and for a split second they looked at each other, but then immediately connected their lips into a slow and kind of sloppy kiss.
They're lips still connected, Taehyung's arms left Jungkook's waist and made their way down to the back of his thighs which he gripped onto, the younger moaned into the kiss, his hands now entangled into Taehyung's hair, with ease he was lifted onto the counter, Taehyung fitted himself nicely between his legs.

"Jungkook, Taehyung how fucking long do you need to get snacks, it's your turn- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??" Bambam stood staring at the two who quickly pulled away and looked at him with guilty looks, their lips red and a little swollen.
"What's wrong Bambam?" Jin called from the other room.
"These two horny teens were making out in the kitchen!! Can you guys really not spend two minutes away from each other?"
Jungkook looked away embarrassed while Taehyung smirked proudly.
"We'll join you guys in a second Bam, take the snacks and fuck off." He said his hands back on Jungkook's waist, he nudged him closer.
Bambam fake vomitted at the statement but still made his way to the snacks, taking them and walking out.
"Cock blocker."Taehyung muttered under his breath as soon as he walked out the kitchen, Jungkook giggled, making Taehyung turn to him smiling.
"Now where were we?" He said closing up the space between, Jungkook placed his hands on his chest as a signal for him to stop,
"Tae we should go back and join the others noww we can continue this later." He said and Taehyung's pout returning, but he then sighed.
"Just one last kiss then." He said and Jungkook smile softly, nodding to the others demand. Their lips were about to connect once more when suddenly a phone began ringing, Jungkook's eyes widened, he pulled out his phone, ignoring the groan from Taehyung.
"Sorry I have to take this." He said walking out into the hallway and upstairs. Taehyung let out a little 'hmph' and went back out to the living room where all his friends were already teasing him, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Hoseok cheering for him.
Taehyung just made his way back to his seat on the couch, sitting down with the same pout on his face.
"Ouch, what happened? Where's Jungkook?" Jimin asked looking up at him, Taehyung shrugged, trying to act as though he didn't care.
"Had to take a phone call."
Namjoon chuckled at the upset boy,
"He chose a phone call over you and now you're salty, I know how you feel." He said shooting a look over at Jin who smiled at him knowingly.
"Whatever let's just play the stupid game." Taehyung grumbled, waving around his Wii remote angrily, the others laughed at his anger.

It wasn't long before Jungkook came back, phone still in hand as he had just hung up. He looked a bit worried, the group looked at him questioningly.
"Who was it?" Seokjin asked looking at him from where he was sitting.
"My mum.." he said lowly, his look turning confused, "my parents are coming around Sunday, normally I'm entering the business around next September." He said a small smile on his face. His parents never called, and whenever they visited they'd never tell him, they'd either tell Jieun or just appear out of nowhere on his doorstep.
"Kookie I'm so happy for you!! This is what you want to do right?" Bambam said with a large smile on his face, Jungkook chuckled.
"Yeah I should be moving into an apartment in the  centre of Seoul at the end of August."
Everybody began congratulating, except for Taehyung who simply stared at him. The others thought he was being a little childish over what had happened in the kitchen still, but by now he had forgotten that really, he kept his eyes on Jungkook as the boy sat down on the floor eating a few crisps. Jungkook could feel the other staring at him but did his best to avoid looking back, after a while Jungkook looked back, and stayed like that for a while, before a while Jungkook stood up,
"Why don't we celebrate? I mean I have a bottle of vodka in the kitchen who's doing shots with me??" He said grinning, Taehyung groaned and got up leaving the room,
"Dude it's half past 6" Yoongi said chuckling.
"Exactly in thirty minutes it's seven, there's no specific time for drinking so I say half past six is fine!!" Jungkook said standing proudly with his arms crossed over his chest,
"I'm down!" Hoseok said punching the air above him, the others gave in in the end, Jungkook told them to get the glasses out of a cupboard and made his way over to the kitchen.

"Why are you pretending you want to work in the family business?"
Jungkook sighed and turned to face Taehyung who had been waiting in the kitchen.
"Why do you always try to be someone you're not, especially in front of me." Jungkook sighed and went up to him.
"Tae.." he looked down hesitantly, seeing the younger's expression, Taehyung grabbed onto his hands and smiled at him reassuringly, Jungkook took a deep breath, feeling a lot more comfortable suddenly.
"This weekend when I see my parents, I'm going to come out to them. So for all I know they won't want me to run the business anymore." He smiled, still looking worried though. Taehyung placed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and then on his nose.
"You know not everyone is going to accept you, but I always always will."
Jungkook smiled and kissed him lightly, Taehyung humming into the brief kiss.
"Now let's go get drunk."Jungkook said giddily, grabbing his hand while the other held a bottle of vodka and dragged him back out to the living room to join the others.



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