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Jungkook, Jin and Yoongi were all sitting on a bench during their lunch break, at least the two older boys were sitting, Jungkook was closer lying, his head on Jin's lap whilst his legs were on Yoongi's.

"Jungkook I wouldn't mind you being sprawled out across me if you didn't fidget so much." Yoongi groaned as the younger kept moving around, trying to get comfortable.

"It's not my fault you're not comfortable, anyway Jin doesn't mind, do you Jin?" Jungkook looked up at the black haired boy who was also looking down at him.

"No, you're annoying as fuck, get off." He said coldly pushing him off his knees, making him roll onto the ground and causing Yoongi to burst out laughing.

Jungkook got off the ground and dusted himself off, letting out loud huffs.

"What the hell is up with you guys today?"He said with yet another huff as he sat down between theother two, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's wrong with us?? Excuse me but you've been a pain all week and all morning, did you get any sleep last night? You're only ever like this when you're tired." Jin ranted and Yoongi nodded along, agreeing with the older for a change.

"I uhm,couldn't sleep.. " Jungkook mumbled uncrossing his arms and placing them by either side of him.

"Have you guys seen Chanyeol??"
Jin and Jungkook yelped at the sudden apparition of Baekhyun behind them.

"Hey Baekhyun." Yoongi said calmly as he opened a small bag of Haribo gummy bears while watching his two other friends recover from their surprise, clenching onto their chests and breathing heavily (mainly Jin as Jungkook was trying to act tough.)

"He should be in the gym they have training at this time, i'd expect you of all people to know that Baek." Jungkook finally said,receiving a head shake from the other.

"He left he was searching for me."

"Can't you just text him like normal or like yodel or some shit instead of scaring the living daylight out of your friends?" Jin said hitting him across the head.

"No i'm running from him not trying to find him." Baekhyun answered looking away his cheeks going pink.

"What? Why? Did you guys fight?" Jungkook turned around to fully face his friend, his eyes wide eyes filled with concern.

"Uhm no I just..." Baekhyun mumbled under his breath so no one could hear what he said.

"Oh come on Baekhyun, grow a pair and tell us." Yoongi snapped rolling his eyes, startling Baekhyun who adjust his position, standing up straight and looking back at his three friends who were staring up at him intently.

"Ok so basically ,we were both about to you know do the deed, and he kissed me, and I kind of said I love you , and then he kind of stared down at me, and it was super awkard and like a huge turn off, anyway I ran away and i've been avoiding him since." Baekhun let out all at once, finally breathing at the end.

"Wait so you're telling me you said the first 'I love you'?" Yoongi said, one eye brow raised, Baekhyune nodded.

"Ouch." Jungkook added staring at the ground,imagining the situation.

"Yeah I can't believe I let that out, anyway as long as he's not here it's fine I actu-"

"Hold on a second" Jin bellowed cutting Baekhyun off mid sentence. "You're telling me you two were going to fuck on a school night?" His face twisting in disgust mixed with disappointment.

"Oh shut up Jin, as if you and Namjoon never have, anyway tonight's the hollidays let him live. Baekhyun please continue." Yoongi said crossing his legs over, gesturing to Baekhyun with his hand.

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