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Jungkook had just finished clearing up the whole house on his own and preparing dinner, he was now dressed in a plain white button up shirt and some black trousers making him look casually smart. He looked in the mirror and gave his reflection a firm determined nod, this time his parents would go home proud of him, it was going to get better, he could feel it.

As if on queue the sound of the doorbell went off, echoing around every corner of the empty house. Jungkook rushed down stairs to the front door.

"Mum, Dad, come in, how was your trip?" He asked a grin appearing at the sight of his parents standing on his doorstep. He hugged them both and caried their cases in.

"I see Jieun told you we were coming." His mother answered with a small smile , Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah things are going really well with her, she'll arrive at 7, Please go in the living room make yourselves at home, I'll bring your bags upstairs."

"Is your room mate,what was his name.. Ah yes Donghyun, is he not in?" His father asked putting his phone in his pocket finally, he had been staring down at it since he set foot in the house.

"No he moved out two months ago, I'm trying to find a new one at the moment".

"I don't blame him for moving out last time we came you were a mess, hopefully you've changed from then though." His mother tutted as she sat on the couch with a glass of red wine she just went and poured.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and went upstairs to place the cases in his ex-room mate's room with a sigh. As he was about to leave the room and go back down stairs his phone began ringing, it was Taehyung. A knot formed in his stomach, what did he want now?

Jungkook tried to tell himself he didn't want to answer, but he couldn't manage to listen to that little voice in his head anymore and slid his index finger across the screen.

"Taehyung please be quick, you know very well my here and-"

"Kookiiiiee" The other slurred through the phone.

"Tae are you alright??" Jungkook turned around going back in the room and sitting on the bed.

"No Kookie I'm not, I called you because I'm very very angry at you!!" The older said the pout on his lips could somehow be heard .

"Tae are you drunk? It's like quarter to seven."

"Shut up and listen to me Kook i'm being super serious.I'm really angry at you, I'm being super flirty with you and shit and you haven't even sucked my dick yet. I mean I do this all the time when I see a cute person,I flirt with them and then I always at least get a suck, then I'll move onto the next or whatever. You though , you hardly show any interrest me and aswell as that you decide to stay on my mind 24/7 that's so uncool."

Jungkook's cheeks were burning, he didn't really know how to feel about that whole little drunk speech the other just gave.

"Taehyung a-are you asking me to suck your dick?" He says quietly hoping his parents won't over hear. Taehyung went silent for a second and then he sighed.

"No...I just want you to come over and cuddle like last weekend.. Also take care of me cause i'm really fucking lonely and drunk" Jungkook smiles shyly, okay that was pretty cute.

"Taehyung I can't come over. Aren't you at the frat house where are the others? "

"They're all at training, i'm not allowed to go until next week once I actually helped you." He whined acting like a baby, which to anyone else could seem annoying, but Jungkook obviously found it adorable.

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