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Y'all ready to end Offline?

Cuz am not.

"Mister Jeon, your father is here to see you." Jungkook's secretary's voice echoed through the office. Jungkook was sat in his black leather seat, back turned to his desk and the doorway. He was looking out his large window that gave him an overview on the whole city.

He sighed and turned back to face his desk, he pressed his finger on the answer machine,

"Send him in."

The door opened and Byungwoo's head poked in the office, he smiled and shortly his whole body followed in with him.finally the day had come, Jungkook was the one behind the desk and his father in front. He had spent the summer making the final preparations so he'd finally join the family business. The summer was soon over and September approached at high speed, Jungkook moved into his new office on the final floor of the large skyscraper.

Whenever he had free time during meetings he would attempt to contact Taehyung, receiving no sign of life from the other. Towards the end of July, he had given up and decided to try and move on.

His parents often asked how his boyfriend was, Jungkook would often find something quick and effective to answer, where no extra questions were asked. His parents had no clue he and Taehyung had split. Or rather that Taehyung had disappeared, leaving their son from one day to a next.

But Jungkook couldn't exactly tell them either that he wanted to run away from the life they chose for him.

He had stayed in touch with everyone else, on the other hand, and luckily none of them were too far.

Seokjin and Namjoon had opened this fancy cocktail bar, where art connoisseurs would go to see the abstract art that lined their bright coloured or plain white walls. It was quite and amazing place really, Jungkook went a few times, but the clientele were often much too far up there own backsides for him.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol lived a little further out of the city, in a house, Chanyeol was working hard and was accepted in Seoul's football team. Baekhyun had found a passion in working in a nursery with children, and is trying to get a job at a foster home.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin live together, outside they still pretend to be just really close friends. Hoseok and Jimin are both working with big idols in dance studios and Yoongi worked hard to enter a recording studio, which he basically now owns.

Yugyeom and Bambam were on and off throughout the whole of that summer. They live separately, but have started taking things a little more seriously and are now dating. Yugyeom recently got signed to a big label and will debut as a singer in January of the next year. Bambam joined his family business like Jungkook, as he didn't wish to move all the way to Thailand he started a department in Seoul as well. On the side he also has a café/restaurant, is a model and is trying to become a rapper, he says he hopes to be the "first Korean Grime Artist."

After singing at the Spring Dance Jieun and Jihyo decided to travel, while they were in England having a karaoke night in a pub. The owner of a large record label offered them a deal which they now signed. They were living in a large house in Chelsea.

With all of them all busy, none of them truly had time to go online anymore, other than those going into public industries, their social media was dead.

"How are you son, enjoying your office?" His father asked with a smile, he sat down opposite his son. "The office is brilliant, thank you." It was a nice modern office with a dark wood theme, it was very much Jungkook's style, he did find the office very attractive, yet there was something wrong.

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