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Taehyung was the first to wake up the next morning, it was about 10 am, he looked down at Jungkook who was still curled up against him sleeping soundly.
"Good morning" he mumbled, eyes still shut, but now a small smile on his lips, Taehyung was taken back for a second, not expecting Jungkook to be awake, but then he smiled.
"Morning, baby, sleep well?" He asked placing a small kiss on the shorter boy's forehead, Jungkook hummed.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Taehyung innocently.
Taehyung wondered if he even realized how week those doe eyes made him. He leaned forward and pecked Jungkook's lips, they both pulled away with a smile, simply enjoying eachothers presence while it lasted.
Which apparently wasn't long.


They both turned to see you the doorway, stood Jungkook's parents, Jeon Byungwoo and Jeon Jangmi.

"Mum?? Dad??" Jungkook sat up in bed, covering as much of his bear torso as he possibly could,
"W-what are you doing here, you were supposed to arrive tonight or tomorrow you said!!"
Jangmi cleared her throat,
"Well I called and left a message last night saying we finished everything that needed doing so would arrive around ten." She said calmly looking away from the two boys, Byungwoo inhaled sharply.
"We'll wait for you downstairs." He said, Jangmi nodded in agreement and they both left the room, making their way downstairs and sitting down in the living room in silence.
Jungkook jumped out of bed, he grabbed ahold of his hair,
"What the fuck am I supposed to do Tae?? Why the fuck did this happen?? Shit Tae my pretty homophobic parents just walked in on us, two men, basically naked in bed together." He began pacing around the bedroom, in nothing but his boxers.
"Kooks, baby, come here." Taehyung spoke softly, making Jungkook stop in his tracks.
"Tae, I'm serious, I can't be-"
"Jungkook." Taehyung said, this time he sounded cold and Jungkook felt obliged to walk towards him. Taehyung stood up so he was at his usual height, towering over Jungkook, he wrapped around his waist, he had grown used to doing so and it felt as though his arms were meant to be placed that way. Feeling the older boy's touch, Jungkook already felt a little more at ease, he looked up and his eyes met with Taehyung's.
"It's going to be okay, this was going to happen anyway. Sure maybe you didn't want them to walk into the room the morning after we had sex. But you were going to come out to them, you're scared for how they'll take it and I understand. But if they don't accept you, they don't deserve you're time and love." He spoke calmly and reassuringly, Jungkook smiled, still a few traces of worry on his face but he seemed a lot calmer, "Of course, I do deserve it because I'm going to be here for you throughout it all and I'll accept you no matter what." He said, now with a mischievous grin, Jungkook giggled and hit his chest lightly.
"Get dressed, let's not keep your parents waiting."


Jungkook entered the living room and looked, followed by Taehyung, his parents had been sitting on the sofa in silence since earlier and Jungkook sort of felt bad for abandoning them.
"Jungkook-" his mother began but before she could say more, Jungkook spoke.
"Uhm do you two want a coffee or something?"
The two looked at him and nodded hesitantly.
"Yes please, that would be lovely." Jangmi said whilst her husband only said the first half of that sentence.
"I'll go make them." Taehyung said in his same calm tone, he placed his hand on the small of Jungkook's back for a second and then left for the kitchen. Jungkook stiffened up, he couldn't run or hide from his parents anymore he had to face them, whether they were to give him the answer he hoped for or not, he took a deep breath,and spoke the first words that came to his mind.
"Mum, dad, today you were going to find out I was gay, I wanted to be the one to tell you and not for you to walk in on me with my boyfriend." He chuckled a little to himself when he remembered the scenario that had previously accured. He glanced briefly at  his parents who seemed embarrassed, he smiled and continued. "I myself refused to believe I was gay because I didn't want to deceive you, I tried so hard to like Jieun but I just can't, not anymore than friends. I like Taehyung I guess. He's been my boyfriend for over a month now, and it's kind of thanks to you making us spend Christmas together. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted from me, but this is who I am, I understand if you want to leave or disown me or anything.." he looked down at his feet, finally breathing properly after his speech, he already felt a little lighter from just opening up, but now came their response, he closed his eyes, scared of what he would hear.

His mother laughed, he looked up uncertain if he was hearing correctly, sure enough, she was laughing, he wiped away her tears, although this did seem funny to her, it was an emotional moment and those weren't tears of laughter. She calmed her giggles and smiled at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, we knew for a while now you didn't like girls, or at least we had suspicions. This world can be brutal and we were worried about your sexuality being a problem when you're the CEO of a large company, we said some horrible things about your friends because we were worried and we've been doing our best not to the last few times we came. Your friends are lovely and we'd like to apologize to them at some stage." She paused and looked over at Byungwoo who was nodding along to her speach, agreeing with her word choices,but keeping silent, he wasn't one to open but still encouraged her to go on and speak for them both. "We love you Jungkook, we don't care who you end up with, Taehyung seems wonderful and as long as you're happy that's all that matters." She finished with a smile on her face.

Jungkook had the biggest smile on his face, tears brimming his eyes, he definitely not expecting that.
He ran over to the couch and wrapped his arms around both his parents, he couldn't remember the last time he did. His relationship with his parents was odd to say the least, but they finally seemed to be getting there and sorting things out. His parents hugged him back, all three of them sporting the same happy grin on their faces.
"Thank you" Jungkook managed to say between his happy sobs, Taehyung walked in carrying four coffees, he smiled at the sight before his eyes. He had heard the whole thing and couldn't help but smile to himself as he made the coffees in the kitchen. He walked over to the low table in front of the television and couch. Jungkook pulled away from the hug and turned to Taehyung, the two shared a smile for a few seconds.
"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear but if you guys want to meet Kooks' friends again, maybe we can have lunch with them or just invite them round to eat cake this afternoon." Taehyung suggested, his arm was now wrapped around Jungkook's waist, where it belonged.
"We're not a posh British family Tae we don't have tea parties." Jungkook looked up at him as he mocked him.
"No we're not, but we can be a posh Korean family." Jangmi corrected her son as she stood up, Taehyung began grinning. "Jungkook message your friends tell them to come at 4, I'll bake a cake for us!" She clapped her hands excitedly and began making her way to the kitchen.
"Let me help miss Jeon" Taehyung began following her to the kitchen but stopped in his tracks when Jangmi turned to face him with a frown.
"I've already told you to call me Jangmi, you stay out here I don't like people being in the way of my cooking." She continued her way out the living into the kitchen. Taehyung was slightly surprised by the comment but shrugged and turned back to face Jungkook.
"Where's your dad?" He asked upon realising they were alone.
"He had to take a phone call." Jungkook looked up at him with a smile which Taehyung returned instinctively.
"I'm proud of you Kooks." The older's arms found their usual place around his waist, Jungkook giggled and leaned up, standing on the tip of his toes, to place a kiss on the older's lips.
"Thank you." He said calmly before leaning his head against Taehyung's chest.

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