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Jangmi was sitting at the table amongst the other young men, and Byungwoo. They both had apologised and they were now laughing with all of Jungkook and Taehyung's friends.

"-Well Jungkook has the keys to the holiday home, I'm surprised he's never brought you to the beach house." She was telling about their different houses and in particular their beach house, as the boys had previously said they should try and organise a trip together.
"Jungkook you never told us this, we could have gone on a big trip all together!" Yugyeom spoke loudly after swallowing the last bit of  cake left on his plate. Jungkook looked up, he hadn't been listening, he hated showing he was from a wealthy family so as soon as the subject popped up his mind would go elsewhere. But the subject of conversation wasn't the only reason Jungkook wasn't paying attention, his friends were all sitting beside him, all except for his best friend.
"Uhm well, we can go next break." He said which made the others cheerand clap with excitement. "Jimin, Yoongi is coming right?" Jungkook nibbled on his bottom lip anxiously.
"He said he would, Hoseok went to pick him up, don't worry he'll show up." Jimin reassured him with a light pat on the back.
They returned to their previous conversations and after few minutes there was a knock at the door and then, Yoongi entered, followed by Hoseok. Jungkook stood up and walked up to his shorter best friend, they looked at each other for a second and then Jungkook pulled him into a hug, Yoongi hugged back and dug his head into his best friend's chest, he had felt hire anxious as well as angry when he thought of having to see his mother again.
Yoongi and Jungkook had known eachother for years and Yoongi used to get along quite well with Jangmi but when she saw him with one of his first boyfriends, her opinion about him changed and she tried to convince Jungkook to stop being friends. It took time for Jungkook to convince her but in the end she understood that years of friendship wouldn't change because of his friend's sexuality.
Jangmi had understood that a year ago just about, and ever since she had began changing and understanding that her son's sexuality also should not matter, as after years of loving him whoever he loves she should also love.

"Uhm Yoongi.." she uttered, from behind them, Jungkook stepped aside, revealing his mother, standing looking at the male who was  taller than her, but shorter than most of the others.
"I- well me and Byungwoo, we want to apologize." Yoongi was looking away from her but obviously listening, eye contact is sometimes just too much,"I was scared for Jungkook, and there is no true reasoning behind my actions, you are who you are and I am far from being someone that it should matter to. You're my son's best friend and you both make each other happy and that's all that matters, I hope we can start things over again." She finished and looked at the boy in hope he'd look back, everyone stood and stared making things even more awkward.
Yoongi turned to look at her, slightly reluctantly his tongue pushing against the side of his mouth, a method of calming his anger. He looked down at her with a bored expression but somehow seemed to hide a genuine feeling behind it.
"Fine," He breathed out with a sigh, Jangmi smiled slightly, upset over a reaction a lot more cold than the others had given her, "My parents also went through a phase like this, so I kind of understand that's it confusing, but I'll struggle forgiving you just yet, you did hurt me after all." Jangmi's smile grew wider and brighter, she nodded and her lips formed a thin line, she was a business woman, she couldn't show much emotion, but her son and his friends couldn't not make her happy. Yoongi smiled at her, also unable to keep his cold expression.
Jangmi made her way over to the table where the others were sat and served him coffee and cake, Yoongi sat down between his two boyfriends.
Jimin immediately leaned over to him, biting his lip and looking at his boyfriend who's face was merely centimetres away from his own.
"Can I just say you looked super hot trying to act cool." He spoke in a low soft voice, Yoongi smirked at him and couldn't help but connect their lips for a short kiss.
"Ew we're in public guys." Jungkook said from where he was sitting across the table on Taehyung's lap.  The two pulled away, and looked at them with bored expressions.
"You have no room to talk after last night." Jimin snapped back, the others laughed and Jangmi's eyes shot from each side of the table.
"What happened last night?" Jangmi leaned in, swimming in curiosity. Jangmi may not seem like it, as she is a very high classed business woman, but she loved her gossip, she loved all the fake news and drama around celebrities, people in the workplace and maybe even family?
Jungkook's eyes widened, he shook his head, his mother had seen enough if his and Taehyung's relationship for one day,
"Nothing mu-"
"Oh Jangmi you should have seen them they were all over each other. Let's just say they wanted us out the house as quickly as possible."

Jungkook turned bright red seeing his mother looking at him with wide eyes, he turned around and hid himself in the crook of Taehyung's neck making him chuckle;

"Oh Kookie, it's normal, you're young, there's no reason to be embarrassed." Jangmi said reassuringly as she laughed at her son with his friends, Jungkook in response whined and dug his head deeper into his boyfriend's chest, hoping if he continued maybe he could just disappear.


"Jungkook I think we should do this every time we come, it was so fun, you friends are simply adorable." Jangmi clapped her hands as she put left over food in the fridge, Jungkook's face twisted and he shook his head.

"No way, not after today, it was embarrassing."

"Aw come on Kooks it wasn't that bad" Taehyung said from where he was sitting next to him at the kitchen island as they watched Byungwoo fix anything that needed fixing around the house, and Jangmi filled up the fridge with enough food to feed most of the college.

"Right I've stocked up your fridge, if you need anything call me, I'll come over or send someone over."Jangmi clapped her hands together and turned around to face the two, closing the fridge behind her. Byungwoo nodded,

"Same if there's another problem with the oven or something, call," He gestured to the oven beg=hind him. The two boys nodded, "Now I think we'd better be leaving." Jangmi nodded sadly but immediately turned to the two boys with a large smile. She walked over to Jungkook and hugged him, Jungkook hesitated for a second but eventually hugged back.

"Study well okay? You'll make a fine CEO one day, you may have the benefit of being in the family but you still need to study hard to ok?" She said once she pulled away, she kissed his forehead, and gave him a sweet smile, Jungkook again took a second, but nodded. She then made her way to Taehyung,

"You, take good care of my son, make sure he eats properly and that he rests well and takes good care of himself." Taehyung chuckled and nodded. Byungwoo hugged his son, it was quite an awkward hug, Byungwoo wasn't much for interaction unless it was business, that's why he preferred watching the TV in silence rather then join in with the others earlier.

"Study well son, come visit us soon." He patted his back as he pulled away and the turned to Taehyung and shook his hand with a tight grip without saying anything, only letting out a low grunt.

They walked to the hall way and finally were lead to and out the door, Taehyung and Jungkook continued to wave until the car was out of sight.

"We look like a married couple." Taehyung chuckled and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist from where he stood behind the younger, he placed his chin on his shoulders, his usual position. Jungkook frowned and turned to look at him, Taehyung smiled when their eyes met, ignoring the way his boyfriend glared at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"We do not." He said coldly, unwrapping himself from the other's hold, and walking back inside, Taehyung rolled his eyes, closed the door and followed him.

"What's wrong now?" He said as he entered the living room behind Jungkook who slumped himself onto the couch. The younger scoffed at the question and looked up at him, arms crossed over his chest.

"What do you mean 'now'??" Taehyung sat down beside him and wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him onto his lap.

"Come on Kooks what's wrong?" Jungkook curled up into Taehyung's hold, which grew tighter around him, a position that made the younger feel safe and protected, if he could stay like that forever, he would have no hesitation.

"I'm just tired, can we stay like this a little." He mumbled against Taehyung's chest, the older simply hummed, sensing something was wrong but decided it was best not to ask, although he had his idea on what the problem might be, he then found himself of Jungkook's wish, wanting to run away from reality.

Okay I am so sorry that it took so long to update and the update is so shitty, I don't know how long there is till the end of this story, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, that's what I'll say..

Also I've started to write a new book it would be cool to know if you guys are interested.

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