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Mintyoongi: road trip with this one @seakook  oh and @baekhyunee_exo is here too

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jincess: I want to come

taelien: could have invited me

Mintyoongi: next time we'll go with all the others as well @jincess

baekhyunee_exo: i should be a photographer damn 

baekhyunee_exo: i should be a photographer damn 

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imyourhope: off to the beach for springbreak   @taelien

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taelien: could have taken a better pic i look shit 

real__pcy: @bambam1a they're already leaving stop taking so long

bambam1a: sorry for wanting to look good you probably wouldn't understand @real__pcy

real__pcy: i don't need to try and look good unlike some apparently @bambam1a

imyourhope: shut up and get over here we're waiting @real__pcy @bambam1a

Author's note

Uhm that yoonkook pic will never not make me weAk bye

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