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Dedicated to DeziJean
I went with Courtney while Tommy went with another officer. A few minutes after she began writing my statement, an officer, Officer Jace Sharpen, rushed into the room.
"Courtney, we need you!" He gasped.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Your-we just need you. Now!"
Courtney ran out of the room. I saw a bunch of officers were gathering around for some reason. I pushed myself through the crowd and saw Courtney, Matthews, and Sharpen trying to get Jackson off of Tommy.
"Jackson!" I yelled.
I ran up to Tommy. Jackson shoved me. My head hit a desk. I watched as a door open. Chief Daniels came out and yelled, "Officer Mawson! My office now! Everyone else back to work!"
I rushed to Tommy. Kneeling beside him, I cried, "Tommy! Tommy! Tommy! Tommy, wake up!"
Two EMTs came through with a stretcher. I moved out of the way, so they could help him. Once he was loaded onto the stretcher, one EMT walked over to me and checked me out.
"Will he be okay?" I asked.
"He will. But he needs to get to the hospital," the EMT replied. "Looks like you got a small bump, miss. You should come with us and get it treated."
On the way to the hospital, Tommy began to go into shock. We got to Carter Catholic Hospital a couple minutes after that. They rushed Tommy to surgery, after they realized that there was something jabbed in his side causing him not being to breathe. A nurse took me to a room and had me checked out. One hour after sitting in that room, they brought in Tommy. He was on bed. Tubes up his nose and a bandage around his head.
"Tommy!" I screamed. I began to run up to him when a nurse stopped me.
"He needs to rest," the nurse said. "So do you. We will get you a pillow and blanket. You can sleep on the couch and the doctor will be in soon."
Courtney walked in a few minutes later. Courtney has blond hair. She was wearing make up and still had on her officers outfit. Her hair was a little messy.

Courtney Lawson (Picture of Kasey Lee Akins, Thomas Rhett's sister)

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Courtney Lawson (Picture of Kasey Lee Akins, Thomas Rhett's sister)

"How is he?" Courtney asked.
"There was something jabbed in his side," I explain. "They won't tell me anything. They just keep saying that I need to rest. His blood pressure spiked on the way here. He hasn't woke up yet." Tommy had to stay in the hospital for one week for recovery. He began to get bad so they kept him in the hospital till he gets better.
Two weeks later, while Tommy was asleep the door opened and a young lady walked in. She was wearing a white lab coat and a stethoscope around her neck. Her hair was up and she had simple earnings in. There was a watch on her right wrist. The lady was African American.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Traczyk." She said, extending her hand as we handshakes hers.
"I am Courtney Lawson. Tommy's my brother. This is his girlfriend, Elizabeth Rhett." Courtney said.
"Hi," I said.
"When your brother went into surgery, we didn't know about his medical conditions. When your brother was in that fight, someone jabbed a piece of metal in his side. And that person also had a disease. This disease has now been passed onto your brother," Dr. Traczyk explained.
"What is it? Will he die?" Courtney asked.
"It was aid's."
"I want to see this person. The one who got in the fight with Mr. Brown. I want to see how long this person has had aids."
Courtney and I began crying. I walked out of the room and went to the police station. Courtney with me.
"Jackson!" I yelled.
"What do you want, shlyukha?" Jackson asked.
I punched him. Jackson fell backwards.
"Thanks to you, Tommy has aids!" Courtney yelled.
"What are you talking about?"
"You know what the hell were talking about! You always pushed for me to have sex with you. Was it so you could give me aids without telling me?"
"No! Shut up!"
Courtney grabbed her cuffs and arrested Jackson.
"What the hell Courtney!" Jackson yelled.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning." Courtney said.
Courtney lead him away and Chief Daniels came out of his office.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Jackson has been arrested for assaulting five officers," Sharpen said. "And he apparently has aids. He didn't tell anyone and now Tommy Brown has it."
The following week, I was driving Tommy to his penthouse. I parked and helped Tommy out. When we were in my car, I had asked Tommy of he was an agent. He wrote on a sheet of paper:
We got up to his penthouse and I helped him to his bedroom.
"Hopefully, I won't die anytime soon," Tommy chuckled.
"Tommy, its not funny!" I yelled.
"Move in with me."
"Move in with me. I have three bedrooms in this penthouse. I need someone like you."
"We should put up security cameras."
"Okay. Come here."
We began kissing.

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