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~Kingpin's Bodyguard, Nathanael~

I walked into the office. Its been a month since Thomas has been seeing that girl. Thomas sat there with Kingpin.
"Nathanael, you said you have something," Kingpin said.
"Yes sir," I replied handing him a file. Kingpin opened it and began looking at the photos.
"What's this?" Thomas demanded. "Why are you spying on my girlfriend?"
"She's a spy!" I yelled.
"Nathanael," Kingpin said. "Do you have any proof?"
"No, but-"
"We'll keep an eye out for her. But no more. I've heard enough."
I couldn't believe it. This lady put me in jail two years ago. But ever since I came back, Thomas has got away with everything. I needed to stop this. I will prove that Liza is an uncover cop and they'll be wishing that they listened to me. They'll listen when their sitting behind bars in a few weeks. I went home and found my wife sitting on the couch. My wife is currently at the end of her second trimester.
"Nathanael, where have you been?" Tomasina asked.
"Working," I said. "Why?"
"I've called you a million plus times."
"No you have-" looking at my phone. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I was in an important meeting."
"A meeting that lasted four hours?"
"I was getting a file together for two hours and then I sat in a meeting for an hour."
"What about the last hour?"
"Tomasina, please let me explain."
"No, Nathanael!"
"Why won't you let me explain?"
"Because you'll be back in jail and I'm not letting our child grow up in that situation! Ya, he'll know his father is a criminal, but-"
"Did you say 'he' ?"
"Yes, we're having a boy."

Tomasina went to bed and I called Kingpin.
"Hello," Kingpin answered.
"Sir, I need to take a leave for five months," I replied.
"Why may I ask Nathaniel do you think I would give you a night off let alone five months."
"It's Tomasina sir she only has three months left and she needs a little bit of help the first couple of months after he's born. I really need to be there for her sir."
"And what you just thought I'd let my ONLY bodyguard take a whole FIVE MONTHS OFF. How stupid do you think I am?"
"I don't think you're stupid sir, it's just my wife she------"
"I don't give a damn, you get your scrawny, ungrateful ass back here tomorrow and we'll talk about it then. And until then you'd do well to remember who's in charge here."
"Yes sir."

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