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I sat on that window seat looking out. Mom and I were in Forks, Washington. That's where the CIA sent us. It was so boring. It rained a lot. Some said that it didn't rain a lot, some said it did. My WPP (witness protection program) name was Celeste Parker. Mom's was Adriana Rodriguez. Our story was that she was my aunt who I called mother because she's raised me since I was five.
"Hey honey," mom said.
"Hey," I said.
"What's wrong?"
"I miss her."
"I know you miss Nictori, but once-"
"I miss Marren. I miss Nicky, too."
"But its Marren you miss the most?"
"I think that Jacob Burns has a crush on you."
"I don't care."
"Victoria Nelson Rhett, the only reason your here is because of that boy. We told you to stay away from him, but would you? No!"
"Its not Marshall's fault. I love him mom. Marshall is the best thing that has happened to me in years. Yes, I know I'm only twelve. Yeah, I know I don't know what love is. But you tell me, would you want to give everything up to see dad?"

With that I stormed out of the house. I grabbed my bike and helmet. Peddling, that was no biggie. I got use to it. I had finally reached my destination: Marianna Travits. She was the only person who knew. She knew about everything. I was glad I could trust someone.
"Another fight?" Marianna asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Come on."
Marianna led me to her tree house. It was wonderful. We climbed up in it.
"So what happened this time?" She asked.
"My mom keeps saying its my fault that I'm here. She said if I hadn't kept seeing Marshall that I would be at home talking to Marren," I explained.
"Who's Marren?"
"My older sister. She's fourteen years older than me and the oldest of the family. Then there's Michael and he's eighteen. He, also, is expecting a baby. Then Nicholas, who's sixteen, and he's really smart and funny. After Nicholas, you have Nictoria and me."
"Twins right?"
"What might help you is writing a letter to your sister."
"But she's undercover."
"What's her undercover name?"
"Elizabeth Rhett."
"Okay, come on."

Marianna led me to the computer in her bedroom. She was a hacker. Not bad, trying to steal your identity. She only hacked when she needed information.
"Do you know her phone number?" Marianna asked.
"Yeah, hold on." I said. I typed it in and Marianna clicked enter. Within a few minutes, the website showed that it belong to someone in Carter, California. That's when Marianna took over. She hacked into the website and was able to get the person's information. It showed up. In the long run, she didn't want to pay ten dollars for the persons information.
Elizabeth Rhett
Carter Cove Villa
Floor ten
Carter, CA

"Thank you, Marianna," I said.

I ran home and began writing Marren a letter. This is what it said:

Dear Elizabeth,

Its your cousin, Celeste Parker. Remember when mom yelled at us because we called Mrs. Duxy, Gladys Crabits? It was funny. I swear to this day that she is a modern day Gladys Kravitz. I miss seeing you. I visit Victoria and Aunt Nicolette a couple weekends a month. They live somewhere in Idaho. I don't think Victoria likes it there. I think its called Locus, Idaho
Your cousin,
Celeste Parker.

I didn't get a letter back for another two weeks. It was from Marren. This is what she wrote:


    Your in WPP for a reason. Your not allowed to contact anyone outside of wherever you are. No family, besides mom. Did you not listen to the rules the CIA told you? Do you seriously want to die?
     I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't want Kingpin to find you. I care for you and don't want you dead. Now when you want to talk, we'll talk and by the way...tell your hacker friend to leave me alone. I don't want her to get into trouble for hacking. I'll give you a phone number that no one knows or should be given. Have your friend set it up so it looks like you're sending text and calls from Idaho.
Elizabeth Rhett

I went over to Marianna and had her do what Elizabeth said. Once everything was set up, I called her.
"Hello?" I heard a voice. It wasn't Marren.
"Is Liza there?" I asked in a cutesy voice.
"Who is this?"
"Her cousin from Idaho."
"Liza!" The guy yelled. I heard Marren's voice in the background.
"Hello?" Marren said.
"Hey," I said.
"Celeste, why are you calling me this late?"
"Sorry, I'll text you. By the way, how did you know?"
"I have my ways. Remember what Nictoria can do?"
"Tell her that she's a traitor."

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