Chapter 0

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Quick little note: I am not the best writer, I know that. This is my second story aside from the many I failed to finish and I absolutely love feedback but remember that hurtful comments aren't nice. I may be behind a screen, just like you, but I am only trying and the last thing I need is hurtful comments. Improvements and mistakes that need to be pointed out, perfectly fine! If the year I write this in or the context doesn't match, say one chapter is in April and the next is in December, those things I would love for you to point out, but plain hurtful comments are not necessary. Take that somewhere else. Thanks xo


Background/Prelogue and Introduction.

Today was a bright day The sun was shining through my heavy maroon colored curtains and it created small rainbow patterns on my bedroom floor from the twisted diamond wind chime hanging against our house. It was the first day of the Senior year today and to say I wasn't looking forward to it was an understatement.

I already despised Senior year at Redwood High School in the heart of LA.

My brother, and not just any annoying brother, my twin older brother by 5 minutes, was an early riser and decided that today, of all days, was the one time he wanted to make breakfast. Most likely for himself only, but the noise from downstairs was terrible.

The pots and pans constantly banged on the marble countertop which sent echoes throughout the house, especially in my room which was right above the kitchen. I groaned at his selfishness and decided that maybe getting up earlier than I usually wouldn't be such a bad thing.

I could have a longer shower and make myself presentable because despite being at Redwood high for four years already, I was not a popular person, quite the opposite actually. I wouldn't say I was a nerd, I didn't panic frantically about my grades or spend every lunch in the library, yet compared to people like Stacey Wholebrooks, or Whorebrooks like she is called behind her back, I was nothing.

But this year was going to be different. I had my two best friends, Ella and Jayda, and we are going to make this year the best year of our lives before we leave high school and go our separate ways to change the world.

I pushed the blankets off my body and climbed out of bed reluctantly. After showering and choosing a presentable outfit, my blue skinny jeans and a white shirt that said 'Polite as f*ck' in the left-hand corner, I made my way downstairs to find Isaac had made a complete mess.

"Good morning bitch," Isaac commented cheerfully, sliding a plate with a stack of 3 thick pancakes toward me.

I rolled my eyes, smelling them. "You didn't poison these, did you? I always knew you wanted me gone so you could be an only child!" I accused.

"I would think of a more creative way to poison you Liz, and besides, I would still be stuck with the 5-year-old monster if I did poison you, so that wouldn't achieve my mission," He rambled only, shoving half of a pancake in his mouth and chewing loudly.

I scrunched up my nose at the noise, his chewing bugging me majorly. "Can you shut the fuck up and eat politely?" I snapped. "You're disgusting! Don't come near me at school this year, I am ashamed!"

"MOM! LIZ CALLED ME DISGUSTING AND SAID SHE WAS ASHAMED OF ME!" He responded by yelling to our Mom. "I should be saying the same to you, loser. At least I have more than two friends," he remarked.

Sometimes I wondered how the hell he was friends with the popular crowd at school. At home, he acted more like our 5-year-old sibling, Jemma, than she did, but at school, it's like something clicks in that non-existent brain and he is totally normal.

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