Chapter 4

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Chapter 4//

"Which room is yours?" I asked Nate, following behind him as he walked confidently around this house that felt like the size of New York Central Park.

He glanced over his shoulder, a wide smirk on his face. "I didn't know you wanted to get me alone in the bedroom darling. If you wanted it, you should've just asked,"

I glared at him, catching up so we were walking side beside. Walking behind him like I was nervous implied that I was actually having other thoughts about our short time alone and I definitely was not and will not ever think like that about Nate Dean.

He lead me upstairs, no further comments coming from his mouth, only a smile which he flashed at me every few seconds. Once at the top, he walked towards the right and to the last doorway in the hall. He pushed the door handle down and opened it for me to enter.

As he stepped back to allow me in, I looked around in awe. His room was very tidy and he had so much space. I loved my cozy room, but having this much space would give me some freedom in my house of lunatics.

I gasped, picking up my pace as I noticed he had a large wooden Piano. As a child, I took piano lessons with Dad as something we could do to spent time together. He never really caught onto playing but I learnt quickly and before we knew it, I would play the piano and sing songs when we had family gatherings. It was like a Anderson family tradition.

"Do you play?" Nate asked, leaning against the sturdy instrument.

I smiled, running my hands along the keys. "I last played when I was 13 and I doubt I can remember," I admitted.

"Try it," he said softly, folding his arms over his chest which defined his triceps, biceps and his chest muscles.

I nearly swoon involuntarily and that was saying something. I had noticed so many girls swoon over Isaac and his friends but I never thought I would do it.

I shrugged, pressing one of the central keys. The noise instantly brought back my memories of playing and it was as if the letters on the keys jumped out at me in bright neon colours . I thought for a second of the last song I played on the piano. It was 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Peri and I discovered the song when every single young girl found their love for twilight.

To this day, The Twilight Saga was my absolute favourite. The romance was so pure and the fact that a supernatural creature like a vampire could fall in love with a normal human being made my hopes raise higher for my love life. Bella and Edward's love was not about sex and there was no whoring around at this time. It showed really how much our world has changed.

Without thinking, I instantly started to play, my fingers moving along the keys and placing pressure at the perfect timing. I grinned as a wave of proudness arose from being about to remember this. It sounded beautiful the way the music echoed in his large room.

When I finished, I wiped a stray tear from my cheek that had fallen involuntarily. I glanced up at Nate, forgetting he was still watching. "Im sorry," I said quietly.

"Don't be. That was beautiful. I remember when my Mom gave me the notes for that song and I cursed because all I heard in school was Twilight this, Twilight that but it made Mom cry when I played it to her," He explained, sitting beside me on the small stool.

Our arms brushed but I pushed away this abnormal feeling in my stomach.

"Do you sing?" He asked me.

"Only for people I trust. How do I know you won't go tell the entire school that I'm the emotional looser who loves Twilight and that I have a shitty voice when I try to sing the soundtrack?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow. "I literally just cried without even singing the lyrics. Thats pretty dumb,"

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