Chapter 31

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As the end of senior year approached quickly, and exams consumed the best of us, I glanced over at Nate who continued to flick his pen against his fingers, the noise echoing in his open house. He looked at his paper without a clue in the world that he was distracting every one of us.

I looked at Isaac who also had a death stare against Nate's back, his hand clenching his study notes. Jayda kept her focusing while Archie and Grayson had no interest in studying what so ever. Ella raised an eyebrow to me as if saying 'he's your boyfriend stop him'.

I looked beside me at Nate again, his pen flicking being accompanied by his soft hums. As amazing as it sounded, we were getting nothing done. "Would you stop with the pen and the humming? Its distracting everyone!" I snapped, releasing my annoyed breath and my hold on my papers.

Nate looked up noticing everyone staring at him. He laughed softly, shaking his head. "Sorry, it's my nervous tendencies," he muttered.

Nate and I sat at the island bench, his feet crossed between mine. Isaac sat on the sofa studying while Archie and Grayson were on the floor in the living room on their phones. Ella and Jayda sat at Nate's Moms desk behind the sofa and we were away from the group except showing love for my boyfriend wouldn't help me pass my exams.

"What are you confused about?" He asked suddenly, one arm around the back of my seat and the other leaning over me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you a mind reader?"

"You still crease your forehead when you're confused," he said with a smile. He looked over at my papers, reading the content. "You don't understand human evolution?"

I shook my head, sighing softly. This was hopeless. He rested his arm around my back, his hand against my exposed skin on my lower back. I shivered softly at his touch but ignored it since our friends were here as well.

"Did you read Ella's notes?" He asked, looking up at me.

I nodded, pulling them out from the pile I had in front of me. "I am absorbing absolutely nothing and I can't understand or focus," I muttered.

He frowned, pushing himself up off his seat. I watched him confused. He flicked his head towards the stairs discreetly.

"Nate!" I whispered harshly. "How the hell will sex help me understand, sit back down!" I muttered quietly.

He laughed softly. "Usually I would distract you with that but I'm serious I'll try teach you without anyone else around,"

I got up, grabbing my notes in defeat. He followed me upstairs. "Still sounds like sex to me,"

"Just shut up," he said humorously.

I rolled my eyes climbing upstairs. Ella and Jayda looked up slightly, sending me a warning glare. Once the entire group realised we were gone we would be in the shit. I made myself at home, climbing under his bed covers and warming my body.

Nate stood above me, chuckling. "I didn't bring you up here to sleep darling, come on you can understand if you try," he said, grabbing the blankets.

I groaned, pulling it back to me. "Let me drown in my sorrows Nathaniel," I whined.

"I will pull you out of bed if you don't get up," he threatened.

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