Epilogue Part 1

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I sat on the sofa, my hand resting on my stomach. I had been feeling off for weeks now and with my period being late, I was beginning to feel worried. Nate was in the study, concerned that I wasn't allowed to go see.

He was planning the final touches for our wedding day and with it only two months away, I was feeling nervous. I stood from the couch, my stomach churning instantly. I held it tightly, grabbing my glass of water.

"Nate!" I called, holding the top of the couch as my head felt funny.

"I'm nearly done!" He yelled out.

I groaned, holding my mouth quickly. As I felt my lunch coming back up, I ran towards the bathroom past the study. I pushed the door open, falling to my knees as I felt the vomit rising in my throat.

With my head deep in the toilet as the vomit came out, I felt Nate's hand on my back, the other holding my hair back. I coughed aloud, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you felt ill still," he whispered, his hand running up and down my back.

I sat up, my body weight against my legs. "It's fine," I muttered.

He wrapped his jacket around my shoulders, tying my hair up with the hair tie from around my wrist. I shivered softly, the possibility that I was pregnant running around my mind.

"Come on, I'll take you to the doctors," He said, standing up.

I glanced up at him, shaking my head. "I'll be fine,"

"Don't be stubborn Elizabeth, you're clearly not well," He ordered, holding his hand out.

I wrapped my fingers in his, pulling myself up from the ground. I held his waist as my head spun. "Please I just want sleep," I whispered, feeling Nate's lips against my forehead.

He sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist. I glanced up at him, our small apartment already smelling like vomit. He nodded, his lips coming down to meet mine. I scrunched my nose up, disgusted that he put his lips on mine after I had vomitted.

I pulled away quickly, shaking my head. It reminded me that kiss was what is likely to have put us in the situation. Of course, not only kissing but that didn't need to be discussed.

"Thats disgusting Nate, I still have vomit breath," I muttered.

He laughed softly. "I don't give a fuck Elizabeth, I will kiss my fiancée whenever I like,"

I shook my head and as I brushed past him, I caught my reflection in the mirror. My face was a lot paler than normal. I shook my head, pushing our bedroom door open.

I couldn't be pregnant, I was on the pill. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, dialing Ella's number instantly. With Jayda nearly 3 hours away, Mom and Dad were occupied with Jemma and god know what Isaac would do, she was my only hope.

She instantly answers. "Liz! How are you?" She said enthusiastically.

I let out a deep breath, picking up my pill packet from my purse. "I need a favor,"

"Anything," She replied, a familiar voice in the background. Her boyfriend Jamie.

As I inspected my pill, I noticed it was off. I had been taking the wrong pill since the beginning of the month. Today was the 24th and I had only used 14 of my pills. I groaned, holding my hip as the stress took over.

"Can you please pick up a pregnancy test and come over?" I rushed.

She gasped quickly, a small, excited laugh escaping her mouth. "Liz! You're pregnant?"

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