Chapter 1

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Chapter 1//

The night had been moving smoothly. I had kept to having two drinks, no more in case I did something I would regret tomorrow and considering I had never been to a party before, I couldn't afford to get wasted and make a fool of myself.

Ella had disappeared to go find Archie, leaving Jayda and I to people watch and I was currently watching my brother and his idiot friends skull shots of alcohol in a game of beer pong, except that the cups were shot glasses and the ping pong ball was replaced with a smaller marble.

Nate was up next against Matt. He lined the marble up with deep concentration and one eye shut then threw it, watching it land perfectly in a shot glass. Matt lowered his gaze, glaring directly at Nate but skulling the shot, making a disgusted face as he did.


"So, are you staring because you're attracted or disgusted?" Jayda asked, a wide smirk playing on her face.

"Disgusted and impressed. How the hell can someone as built as Matt take that much alcohol without puking? It's appalling!" I commented.

Jayda chuckled, leaning over me so she could see. Matt missed Nate's glass, meaning it was his turn again and he landed the marble in one of the remaining 3 glasses. I gaped at him, realizing that Isaac was next and this was why he came home in a zombie like state after every party.

Matt chugged again, his face turning pale as he struggled to stand straight. He threw the marble hard, making it land in Nate's shot glass then turned and vomited all over Archie's clean marbled floor.

That would be slippery.

The entire crowd groaned in disgust, Jayda and I look away. "Remind me why we came again?"

"So Ella could come with her best friends then ditch us to smooch with Archie. We are great friends aren't we Liz?" She mumbled, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"We sure are," I responded, getting up before the room began to stink of vomit.


"Why is Nate coming over here? Liz, we have to go. Where is Ella?" Jayda panicked, standing from our seat and grabbing my hand. "One minute he's with the fuck boys and the next, he's coming over here. That's no good Liz, let's go,"

I smirked at her reaction, her hand holding mine tightly and frantically pulling me away.

"You don't have a little crush on Nate, do you?" I teased, standing from my seat with Jayda as she attempted to pull me away.

She glanced at me, an unimpressed look on her face. "No. I heard that when he went to his old high school, he dunked a girls head in the toilet then made her eat lunch that had been dripping in the water from her hair. I hate him already," She rambled on as he got closer.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. She was my best friend, so naturally, I followed behind her in support. It's not like I wanted to speak to Nate either.

"Elizabeth!" He called after us, grasping my wrist.

I flicked my head around, pulling my wrist from his. Why the hell was he suddenly talking to me?

"What do you want, Nate?" I glared, his beautiful blue eyes shining in the bright lighting. "And how do you know me?"

He stood above me, about a head taller. His jawline was defined a lot more than 90% of the boys at Redwood high. He had a shining diamond piercing in one ear and his dark blonde hair was curled messily over his forehead, making me want to run my hands through it.

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