Chapter 7

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Chapter 7//

"Lizzy, why did you come home so late?" Jemma asked, her voice softening as she climbed off of Dad's lap. Dad looked furious as if I was at fault for being home late. In reality, he shouldn't be home yet but because his car was damaged, he was home early.

I smiled, pulling her into my arms for a hug. "My friend dropped me since it's raining cats and dogs outside,"

She gasped, her soft facial features brightening at the thought of cats and dogs. I chuckled, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Cats and Dogs? Where?" She squealed, pushing herself away from my chest and onto the ground.

I rolled my eyes as she ran to the window, pushing the curtains open in an attempt to find any cats or dogs that were raining from the sky. I sat on the couch, pulling my legs to my chest while Dad inspected me solely with his eyes.

"Did Ella drop you home?" He asked.

"I'm actually spending some time away from Ella and Jayda lately. They hurt my feelings," I explained.

He lowered his eyebrows at me. "Who dropped you home then?"

"My friend Stacey. If you don't mind, I'll be in my room," I mumbled, grabbing a quick snack from the kitchen and heading for the steps.

Dad muttered something under his breath which I didn't take in but he didn't question my answer, thank goodness. Dad was a great father, but he was so harsh on me around guys so it was much easier to lie.

I climbed upstairs and poked my head around into Isaac's room. He sat with Archie, both guys glaring into the laptop while searching for a bar to drink at. That's all I could see from where I stood but I wouldn't be surprised if strippers were in the plan too.

"Thanks for waiting, I had a lovely time getting home, asshole," I said aloud, crossing my arms until the boy noticed my presence.

"Shit! I forgot you existed," Isaac muttered back sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "I thought you would be drowned from walking in the rain?"

"Actually, your kind friend Nate gave me a ride, alone," I announced proudly.

Isaac glared at me, his eyes widening. He stood from his bed, his fists clenched. I stepped back in case he was furious enough to try throwing his fists.

"If he fucking touches you I will kill him," He snapped.

Archie quickly stood up, grabbing Isaac by his wrists. "What the fuck Isaac?"

Isaac quickly shut his door, leaving me to face a beautiful wooden door. I rolled my eyes, heading to my room. It amused me to aggravate Isaacconsidering he was the easiest person to annoy.

He snapped in no time.

I pushed my door open, made my way to my bed and flopped down onto it. I could finally relax except that was both good and bad. Good because I had been feeling stressed all day today but bad because I had the free time where my mind could think about what had happened.

Except when my phone began to buzz non-stop. I groaned, sliding my phone out from my pocket to be faced with text messages galore. Some were from Ella and Jayda and I couldn't ignore them forever.

As Nate said, if I can have a normal conversation with someone like Stacey, surely I can get along with my two best friends. There was also texts from two different unknown numbers.

The other messages came from someone saying 'Hey you,'

I scrunched my eyebrows, repeating the number over and over in my head. It was nothing I had ever seen and it was formatted differently from mine. Possibly different phone companies but still, why was a random number texting me all flirty.

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