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I impatiently tapped the table in ftont of me. Why am i become this anxious?

I have to tell her, so that i can feel a bit relieved that she know i am uneasy with her.

But, isn't that weird? Suddenly tell your friend that you need time?


That word keep ringing on my head. That's right, she is my friend. Just a friend.

I silently pull my phone from my pocket, and then scrolling my chats with her.

Do i want something more?

After a few train of thoughts clouded me, she came. With her gorgeous hair tied up prettily, she smiled at me which made my heart beat faster.

I have to do this, i have to tell her that i am feeling anxious.

"Hey," she greeted me. I smiled as her reply.

"Sorry, i had to interrupt your day," i smiled weakly. She shook her head.

"No, not at all, i don't have any schedule today, you don't have to worry about that," she laughed.

That laugh, i can't help but feel warmth in her genuine laugh.

"Um, by the way i also wanted to ask you this..,"

"Are you..,"

I can feel my heart thumping really hard right now.

What? Did she find out that i..

"Alright? I mean you've been spacing out a lot this time, i was hoping if you could tell me your problem when i'm going to meet you today,"

I'm loss at words. That was close, i thought.

Besides, she is really thoughtful, even it was not necessary. I smiled, saying that it was nothing to worry about.

"It's just..," i continued. She nodded her head, waiting me to finish my sentence.

"This is not right, i feel weird if i'm with you, but it's not a bad thing.. i feel like a committed a sin.. argh what am i saying?" i get frustated.

She still listening, even her facial features had changed because i told her my uneasiness.. was because of her.

I can't think straight, my mind is going elsewhere. I didn't feel dizzy, just confused and.. all i see is blank.

But i don't want to make her wait this long.

"Um, how do i say this? Maybe.. i like you,"

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I closed my eyes shut, even my body are shrinking because of my own embarassment.

I don't mind to repeat that words over and over again if i can take back my action just now.

"Ah, so that's how it is..," she looked a bit confused.

That's it. How will i face her next time?

With sweat still dropping from my forehead, she silently offered her tissues to me.

"Well, i like you too," she said smiling.


My face burned with excitement and embarassment.

Is this real? She.. likes me?

I already part ways with her because she needs to take a photoshoot before noon. Now, i'm walking to the dorm alone, thinking how do i have to do in this situation.

Happy? Of course. But still, it's a bit off. Maybe i should tell the members about this.

Today is the most memorable day in my life.

she didn't love me, did she? ✔Where stories live. Discover now