Chapter 6- Old times

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I am a bit jet lagged from Athens and I have been unpacking and doing stuff. But here is the next chapter. Enjoy!

Ashley POV:

Jungkook has been gone for a few hours now, it's getting dark. Maybe he is staying at Somi's place.

~Door closes

Or maybe not. I guess he came back. I went downstairs from my room and saw an upset Jungkook. I didn't even ask why, he will probably just yell at me.

'Um... did you eat yet?' I asked

'Yes.' Jungkook replied coldly then went to his room. I then started to make myself food, I am hungry. I made myself some tteokbokki. And it smelled really good.

'Um.... can I have some?' Jungkook said out of nowhere

'Sure, I thought you already ate. I will go and get you some.' I said then went to the kitchen and got him some tteokbokki.

'Here you go.' I said as I placed it infront of him

'Thanks.' He said then started eating.

WTF? He is not yelling at me. Yay!

Jungkook POV:

I lied to Ashley about eating. I actually didn't eat, I was very hungry. But then I smelled tteokbokki. She probably cooked. I went downstairs and saw her eating

'Um.. can I have some?' I asked. She said something then got me a plate of tteokbokki in front of me and I began eating. Mmmmm, tastes like how she used to make it. I missed this taste. We just ate in silence not making any sound.

'Do you want to watch a movie together after you are finished?' I asked

'Um, sure. What do you want to watch?' She asked looking shocked (LMAO! JUNGSHOOKED! XD)

'How about Iron man!' I suggested

She rolled her eyes playfully, I guess she never forgot about my live for Iron Man.

'I will go wash the dishes and make snacks, you go get the movie ready and get some blankets.' She said then went to the kitchen and I walked to the little movie theatre in the basement and got everything ready.

'Oh, you came just in time.' I said as Ashley walked in with soda, chips and popcorn

'Start the movie.' She said as she set everything down on the table.

We just watched the movie quietly but soon I realized that Ashley fell asleep with her head on my shoulder, this is very familiar. Like 2 years ago when we used to date. I just stared at her face, it was gorgeous. She is now more grownup than 2 years ago. But even when she sleeps, I can sense her uneasiness. And I know that I am the cause of this. Is Mark really her cousin? If he is, then I have made a terrible mistake. Ashley suddenly opened her eyes.

'Oh, I am sorry.' She said and got up.

'I guess I am too tired, goodnight. I am going to sleep, you should rest too.' She said then started walking away

'Wait, there is a party at Somi's tomorrow. Everyone at school will be there. Somi and I are going shopping tomorrow. You should come.' I said. Ashley just simply hummed a yes then left.

Us watching a movie like this was just like the old times. When we were still dating. I don't know, my heart is beating faster when I am with Ashley. Oh no! Don't tell me I am falling for Ashley all over again. Somi? Or Ashley?

A/N Sorry this was a bit short. But who do you think Jungkook should end up with? Somi? or Ashley? Please let me know! Thank you!

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