Chapter 8- IDK

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Jungkook POV:

Ashley went straight to her room after we came back home last night. I think I hurt her? I don't know what happened to me, when I saw Somi, something just told me to be a complete a**hole to Ashley.

'Hey good morning Ashley.' I said when I saw her come out of her room. But she just glared at me coldly

'Um.... I won't be home so um... see you at the party?' I said before leaving. I closed the door and I heard sobbing. I really did hurt her, I treated her terribly. I deserve to die......

Ashley POV:

Stupid jerk, he doesn't deserve my attention, love or anything! Ugh! I am going to call my friends and we are going to go have a girls day and do something (LMAO! See what I did here?)


ME: Hey guys

Samantha: Hey

Eden: Hey

Jada: HELLO!!!!

Millisa: Hi

ME: Let's have a girls day out today and go do something.

Jada: SURE!!

Samantha: Where is May?

May: Here..... I was sleeping

Prya: All you ever do is sleep.....

ME: Whatever let's go get our hair and nails done before the party tonight. And I will tell you guys how Jungkook and Somi that brat treated me like hell yesterday

Samantha: Ok, we will meet you at your place in 45 minutes. We can take my car, and May's car. Girls, get ready

Great, my friends are coming over and we are going for a girl's day.

~Skip time to 40 minutes later

~Ding dong! Good they are here

'Hey! Ready?' Samantha asked

'Yep! Let's go.' I said then locked the door and hopped into Sam's car

'Let's go get our nails done first.' I suggested and the girls just noded.

We went to the nail salon and picked out our colours and designs.

'So, what exactly happened yesterday?' Eden asked

'Well we went shopping.' I shrugged

'I know that but you said Somi the beach was treating you like trash.' May said

'Yeah! And Jungkook too. Right?' Prya asked

'Jungkook is just so bipolar, he was nice to me the day before yesterday. But at the mall? I was treated like vermin. He is always so mean to me, he never gave me a chance to explain 2 years ago. Mark is just my cousin! And then in front of Somi he acts like he owns me and I am his slave or something. But at home he pretends to be sweet and caring. And to think we still have feelings for each other? Pfttt. I would rather jump off a cliff than still admit I have feelings for Jungkook. And isn't it obvious? Somi is clearly cheating on Jungkook! I saw her with Lay at the park!' I complained

'But are you sure you don't have feelings for him anymore?' Millisa asked

'Honestly, IDK.' I shrugged

'I am sorry to interrupt your conversation but are you and this Jungkook person arranged?" The lady doing my nails asked

'Yeah, well we dated 2 years ago but then he saw me with my cousin, who I haven't seen in a long time and thought I was cheating on him.' I sighed

'You know, you two probably still have feelings for each other. You are just too afraid to admit it.' She said and I widened my eyes

'How would you know?' Samantha asked

'My husband and I were also arranged. We were enemies in highschool but because of stupid business, our parents arranged us to get married. We first hated each other but feelings started to develop and we kept on hiding and denying them. Once you confess, your life will be amazing, you won't worry about the whole 'arranged thing' anymore. Trust me, I have been there.' She said then smiled

'Well now what are you going to do?" Jada asked

'We are going to make ourselves look beautiful and then at the party, Jungkook is going to fall for Ashley.' Samantha said then cheered

'Yeah, and you can flirt with Jimin all night long.' May teased

'Dude!' Samantha shouted

We then joked around and left the nail salon. We also went to the hair salon to get our hair done.

'But are you sure this is wise?" Eden asked

'What is?' Prya asked

'I think Eden means making Jungkook fall for Ashley if he hasn't already.' Millisa shrugged

'What can possibly go wrong?' Samantha asked

'Um....Gee I don't know. How about Somi making Ashley's life more miserable than ever.' Eden said sarcastically.

'I don't know. Even if our plan doesn't work, we still have to look nice. Right Samantha?" Rose suggested

'Yeah, I guess.' I said

But honestly, I don't know about my feelings anymore. With Jungkook's change of behavior all the time, my feelings are just messed up. I just IDK anymore.

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