Chapter 18- Good morning

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A/N Here is the new chapter guys! Please enjoy! I can't help but to be so happy because first, DNA got it's 6th win on MCOUNTDOWN today and my books got over 500 reads! Thank you guys so much. Here is the next chapter.

Samantha POV:

I woke up at exactly 6am and did my morning routine, we don't have to leave and go have our fun day until 9am but I just want to wake up and go for a jog, I miss Vancouver so I am just going to jog around, not all the way to stanley park since we are going there later.

I got ready and put my shoes on and got my phone and headphones and my room key of course. I was just about to open the door and I heard a quiet knock. I peeked and saw Jimin and opened the door.

'Oh, good morning Jimin.' I whispered

'Good morning Samantha, why are we whispering?" Jimin whispered back

'Because Ashley is still asleep.' I whispered and came out of the room to the hallway

'You going somewhere?" Jimin asked and looked at my outfit

'Yeah, and you?" I asked and saw him dressed in athletic wear too..... No.... don't tell me.......

'I wanted to go on a jog but then I didn't want to get lost so I came and wondered if you were awake and wanted to go jog with me.' Jimin said then smiled


'Um..... sure.' I said still panicking mentally

'Let's go then?" Jimin asked and gestured for us to go.

'K.' I said and walked with him downstairs............................ This is a great start of a new day............?....??........

Ashley POV:

I woke up and saw Samantha gone. I checked my phone and saw a text from her.

S: Hey Ashley, I am out for a jog, we don't need to leave until 9am so get some more rest and maybe go to Jungkook's room if you want to.

ME: Kk, see you later unnie.

I decided to text Jungkook to see if he was awake or not.

ME: Good morning Kookie

JK: Morning babe

ME: Can I come over to your room? Samantha went out.

JK: Sure! Yay! I missed you~

ME: Gee, it has only been like 10 hours

JK: I know but still

ME: I will be there in 2 minutes

JK: Yay

I walked over to Jungkook's room and knocked

'Hi baby!' Jungkook said and opened the door

'Heyyyy.' I said and we walked inside

'How was your sleep?" Jungkook asked and pecked my lips.

'Good, you?" I asked and smiled

'I missed you..... So I didn't sleep too well.' Jungkook said and pouted.

'Awwwww, you are so adorable.' I said and pinched his cheeks

'I know~' He sang and showed his signature bunny smile

'Wait, where is Jimin?" I asked realizing he wasn't there

'He said he is going out for a jog or something or whatever.' Jungkook said and shrugged

'Wait...... jog?' I asked and widened my eyes

'Yeah, why?" Jungkook asked and frowned

'Samantha also went on a jog! Ha! I think these two are secretly dating and not telling us.' I said and giggled

'Mmmmm.... Me too, they probably went to jog together.' Jungkook said and chuckled

'What do you want to do? We have, 1 hour and 30 minutes.' I said checking my phone for the time and doing the math

'Mmmm.... Cuddle!" Jungkook said then clapped his hands like a happy child.

'Kk~' I said and we both layed down on the bed and hugged each other.

'I don't get why we can't sleep in the same room......' Jungkook said then sighed

'Well teachers are stupid so..... And we don't want Jimin and Samantha in a room on their own. Wait.... Do we?!' I said and sat up

'I don't know, I really don't want to die here in Canada.' Jungkook said and I nodded agreeing

'Well, we will just have to wait until they become a couple and that should happen quickly.' I said and then layed back down

'True.' Jungkook said then hugged my waist

'Mmmm, I can't wait to meet Samantha's friends, I wonder if any of them are boys.' I said and put my head on his chest

'Why do you want to know whether there are boys coming tomorrow apart from the hyungs and I?' Jungkook said then pouted

'Just want to know whether she had a boyfriend or not when she lived in Canada. Hehe, I am not a international playgirl like you.' I said and poked his cheeks

'I am not an international playboy anymore!" Jungkook said in a cute yet angry tone

'Okay okay, I was just joking.' I said then giggled at his cuteness but then he ignored me 'being mad'.

'I am sowwy Kookie, pwease don't be mad at me.' I said while doing aegyo while Jungkook smiled but then quickly attempted to hide it.

'Fine then. I am going to go back to my room to get ready.' I said then started to get out of his arms

'Okay okay! Don't leave. Your cuteness just gets me every time.' Jungkook said and hugged me more to prevent me from going away

'But we should get ready anyways, they could come back anytime.' I said laying back down

'I am excited for our wedding~!' Jungkook sang

'Me too' I said a little bit disappointed because my birthday was before the wedding

'You think I forgot your birthday? Of course not, I was just messing with you.' Jungkook said and patted my hair

'Y-'I began

'We are back!' A voice said and we looked and saw Samantha and Jimin

'Aw, aren't you guys cute.' Samantha said and smiled at Jungkook and I

'We know.' Jungkook said and smiled innocently

'Kookie, be modest.' I said

'It's okay Ashley, I am used to it. I bet we all are.' Jimin said and we all agreed

'Well, we should go get ready. We leave in 45 minutes.' Samantha said and gestured me to go

'Okay~" I said and gave Jungkook one last kiss before leaving. We said goodbye to the boys and went back to our room.

'Wait so you guys went to jog together?" I asked unnie because I was curious

'Yeah.' She said calmly while texting someone again

'Who you texting?" I peeked over to her phone and stretched my neck as long as I could

'None of your business, now get ready, we are leaving soon.' Samantha said putting her phone away and replacing it with the room key and opening the door.

'Okay unnie.' I said and started to get ready.

A/N So, there was a bit of fluff, hope you didn't cringe like my classmate while I was working on this during school. 

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