Chapter 13- Wedding Shopping

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A/N Sorry for not updating for awhile, school started a few weeks ago and I just came back from camp yesterday. I got some inspiration from camp and I will write some chapters based on that. Here is the next chapter. Enjoy~!

Jungkook POV: how long do girls take to choose a dress? I have been sitting here for like 398768743884874 hours! I started looking at my phone and scrolling through instagram. Wow, V and Jada are so cute. But Ashley and i will be way cuter than any of them combined.

'Kookie, what do you think?" Ashley said making me look up

Wow..... I was speechless. She looked so beautiful in that wedding dress. I just stared with my mouth wide open. For one, she looked like a goddess in that dress, two, she called me Kookie! She hasn't called me that for 2 years.

'You should close your mouth, you are going to catch a fly like that.' Ashley said then giggled

'Well I think the dress is very beautiful babe~' I said then smiled

'R-really?" Ashley stuttered then blushed. She must have blushed at me calling her 'babe'

'Well, can we get this one?" She asked

'Of course~ Get changed, I will go pay' I said then stood up to peck her forehead and went to pay at the cashier

Ashley POV:

OMG!!! Dyeowjdnryg! I am dying! Am I dreaming? Is he acting? WTF is happening? Chill Ash, chill.

I got dressed and walked out of the dressing room and saw Jungkook waiting for me.

'Let's go.' I said

'Okay. Let's go get your ring now~' Jungkook said then held my hand

'K~' I am started to get used to his sweetness

We walked towards the ring shop and I felt him looking and me and smiling while I just mainly looked at my feet getting used to this whole different treatment.

'Hello, we are looking for wedding rings.' Jungkook said to the lady in the jewelry store.

'These are new arrivals' the lady said and pulled out a tray of beautiful rings

One ring caught my eye. It was so delicate and looked so sophisticated.

'Can my fiancee try this one on please?' Jungkook said pointing to the I was staring at. He must have noticed me staring at the ring.

The lady passed the ring to me and I slid in onto my finger. It was really pretty.

'Do you like it?' Jungkook asked in a soft caring voice

'Yes.' I replied because I couldn't say anything else because I was confused by the changes about things these few days

'We will take this one. Thank you.' Jungkook said

~Skip to car ride

I wanted to thank him and tell him I am willing to give him another chance. But I can't quite find the right words for it. We arrived home and got off the car.

You can do this Ashley.

'Jungkook can I talk to you?' I asked before he went upstairs to his room

'Sure.' He said and we both sat down on the couch

'I want to thank you for today, I had fun and I want to give you another chance.' I said after taking a deep breath.

'No problem for today~ AND WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!' Jungkook said then screamed the last part.

'I want to give you another chance to the person I always loved.' I said then smiled

'Thank you, I really love you and I promise to treat you better forever.' Jungkook said then hugged me

'I love you too.' I said and hugged him back

We are back together and I am happy about it. We have learned from our mistakes and we will try our best to stay together. And, we are engaged after all. So, we can just skip all the emotional proposal stuff. I am getting married in 1 month, 1 week after my birthday. To my boyfriend that I hated 1 month ago. 

A/N How was the chapter? Please give me some advice and please keep on reading. I really want this book to get 500 reads before 2018. Hwaiting! Plz keep on reading and voting. Kansanmida~!



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