Chapter 19- Fun day pt.1

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A/N Hi guys, HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING! Thank you to readers who have been reading voting and commenting! I was seriously just expecting like 100 reads but I can't believe that my books which don't make any sense all have more than 500 reads. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! Here is the next chapter. Please enjoy~

Samantha POV:

Today will be so much fun! We are going to the 'Tea house' first for brunch, then we are going to the PNE and finally to Ambleside beach. It is pretty hot today so I am going to wear some shorts and a tank top and a sweater over it.

'Ash, ready?' I asked and got all my stuff

'Yep, let's go!' Ashley said dressing similar to me and smiled

'OMG! HOLY SH*T!' I screamed and started to panick

'What's wrong?' Ashley asked all confused

'WE FORGOT TO WAKE RIA AND V UP!!' I shouted and ran out of the room and headed to Ria and V's room

'I'll go get Jungkook and Jimin and we will meet you at their room!" Ashley shouted and ran to Jungkook and Jimin's room

I ran to their room and knocked on the door, there was no answer. I kept on knocking, and still, no one answered. I gave the door a slight push and it opened, I walked in but no one was to be found.

'Ria? V?' I said looking around. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the lights. Suddenly, the lights turned off by themselves and

'BOO!' V, Ria, Jungkook, Ashley and Jimin shouted jumping out of nowhere

'AHH!' I screamed scared out of my wits

'WHAT THE F*CK!' I yelled at them

'Hahahaha! You should have seen your face!' Ria said and went back to laughing with the others

'How did you guys even get here so quickly?" I asked pointing at Ashley, Jungkook and Jimin

'That will always be a mystery.' Jimin said as he slowly stopped laughing and so did the others

'Well, I didn't find it funny. Let's go.' I said and rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom and to the main lobby while they all followed.

'Yes! They are here!' I said excitedly because I saw my friends' car

'LYSSA!!!' I exclaimed and we ran to hug each other. It has been years since we saw each other

'Samantha!!!!!' My friends Alyssa, Grace, Isabel, Cayden and Bradley exclaimed and we all moved in for a group hug.

' I missed you guys.' I said trying not to cry. What? I get very emotional at times

'We missed you too' Isi (Isabel) said.

'Well let's go!' Grace said we got into the cars.

Ashley, Alyssa, Ria and I were in one car. Grace and Isabel were in one car and the boys were in their car.

~Skip time to at the restaurant

We all sat down and I looked around. Nothing changed much, the view was still really nice and everything is the same.

'Jimin.' I said and gestured him to bring his head closer so I can whisper something to him

'Yeah?' He asked and brought his head closer

'Jungkook can't call you short anymore because we have Cayden here.' I whispered and then we both bursted out laughing.

'What's so funny?' Ashley asked

'I don't think we should say it out loud, it's not a very nice thing to say.' Jimin said as he slowly stopped laughing

'I just said Jungkook can't call Jimin short anymore because Cayden is here.' I said and I saw the rest of them trying to hold in their laughter. Then Grace bursted out laughing and so did the rest

'Pipin the short! I can't believe you still remember that! Haha!' Alyssa said and all of my friends and I laughed while the others became a bit confused

'What is pipin the short?" Ria asked

'Oh just this name we had for Cayden in grade 7 after learning about Charlemagne in Social Studies.' Isabel and everyone laughed more, everyone except for Cayden of course.

'Wait, does this mean I can call Jimin 'Chimchim the short?" Jungkook said and Ashley slapped his arm.

'What? Owie.....' Jungkook said and rubbed his arm

'First of all I am your hyung, don't call me short because I am two years older than you and I have eaten 2130 more bowls of rice than you!" Jimin said a little bit pissed

'See! Have some manners Kookie.' Ashley scolded him and the food came

'Okay Mommy.....' Jungkook said and started to eat his food

For the rest of the meal, everyone joked around and got along. The perfect beginning to a perfect day.

A/N How was the chapter? What do you guys look forward to in the next chapters? Let me know, thank you! 

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