Chapter 22- Fun Day pt 3

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A/N: Hello readers, I Went to this event called WE day today! And it is so much fun! I might incooporate something like this in the story. I really think I did a good job protraying my friends' personality!  Well do you guys think I should do two books telling the same story but continuing the sad ending to make the ending happy or should I just have one long book? Please let me know! And please enjoy the next chapter!

Jungkook POV:

PNE was fun, we are going to Ambleside beach now! I think we are just going to walk around the beach and admire the scenery. So romantic~. I am holding Ashley's hands walking around. We just split up with the others and walking in small groups. Of course, I am with my fiancee. We were walking around at the grassy area and there was an ice cream shop near by.

'Babe~' Ashley said and of course knew what it was

'You want ice cream?' I asked and she nodded

'Let's go then~' I said and we walked to the ice cream shop

'One banana split please.' I said and smiled in a friendly way

'Anything else handsome?' The lady asked and licked her lips

'No thanks, anything else babe?' I asked Ashley

'Um....'Ashley began

'Oh you asking me? Awwwwww, so sweet.' The lady said and smiled at me trying to be seductive, but I got grossed out.

'I am sorry, it is for my girlfriend here.' I said and put my arm around Ashley's shoulder but she walked away and out of the shop.

'I don't see one~' The lady said.

I sighed and walked out of the store and ran after Ashley.

'Babe! Wait!' I said catching up with her

'Go back to that girl, she is prettier, and hotter than me.' Ashley said turning around but not looking and me

'No, you are the prettiest girl I know. And looks aren't everything. She tried to take me away from you. She is not loyal, unlike you who is so kind, loving, smart, loyal, cute, adorable. You keep on denying all the good qualities you have. Don't do that anymore okay?' I said and held her face gently and carrasing her cheeks.

'Fine.....' She said finally looking at me

'Good, I love you~' I said and kissed her passionately and she kissed back. We enjoyed our kiss for 20 seconds then.............

'Ehem.' Someone fake coughed and we looked at them annoyed, they interrupted our sweet time!

'Hyung you always interrupt us! Go kiss your own girlfriend!" I whined to V and pushed him away to Ria

'We are here to get you guys, we are meeting with everyone then saying our farewells.' Ria said dragging Ashley away and V ran after them

'Yah! Ria! Hyung!' I shouted running after them

Grace POV:

I don't know if my plan is working or not......... but I did see the 'victim' of the plan get jealous

'You know it was really risky right? I almost actually kissed her!' Bradley said

'But you didn't.' I corrected him

'Yeah yeah whatever, now I did my job, please give me my phone back!' He pleaded. Haha lol! I took his phone away and threatened to destroy it if he didn't help me with my plan.

'Fine.' I said and gave him his phone back

'Yay! My phone!' He said grabbing it and running away

'Where are you going now?' I asked

'I think we are meeting together to say goodbye or something.' He said and I ran towards everyone.

'Well let's all grab ice cream before we say our farewells.' Samantha suggested so we walked to the nearest ice cream shop.

'Wait!' Jungkook yelled and stopped us from going there.

'Let's not go to that one.' Ashley said

'Well why not?' Isabel asked

'Um.... because that shop is um........ Out of ice cream!' Jungkook said and him and Ashley together pushed us to another ice cream shop.

'Well as long as we have ice cream, I am happy!' Alyssa said cheerfully

'How are you always so happy? Is it even scientifically possible?' Samantha asked

'Mmmmmm, according to W-' Cayden began

'Yay! Ice cream!" V cheered interrupting Cayden's long speech and dragging Ria with him to the shop while the rest of us ran after because we really didn't need to listen to an other one of these boring lectures.

We ordered our ice creams and sat outside on the logs. I saw Ashley and Jungkook, V and Ria snuggling with each other feeding each other ice cream. It was so cute.

'Hehe, look at us, single ladies!" I said and chuckled along with Alyssa, Isabel and Maddie.

'Count me in.' Samantha said walking over

'But you have Jimin, technically you aren't really single.' Maddie corrected her.

'You guys are impossible to deal with, I am too lazy and tired to argue with you today.' I said taking a seat

'Ha! You just indirectly admitted it!' Alyssa said pointing and Samantha

'But you loved to argue and debate and prove other people wrong. Are you like sick or something?' Bradley asked

'I am just too tired.' Samantha said avoiding the topic

'Yeah right........' Maddie said with sarcasm

'Sure.... You are just too tired.' Isabel said with the most about of sarcasm one could use when speaking.

'K, you guys are just too weird. Anyways, sadly, this day is ending....' Samantha said sighing and walking away

'Today was fun, too bad it is ending.' Alyssa said sadly

'Yeah....' I admitted

'Well let's go say our farewells to them, who knows how long it is going to be until we see them again.' Maddie said and we all gathered once again to say our farewells.

A/N: Hi guys, thank you so much for all the support and lovely messages I have been receiving from some of you regarding my books. Please keep commenting,  voting and reading. Kansanmida!

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