Chapter 23- Trust

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A/N: Hi guys, I won't be updating as much for the next week or 2 because of school and a competition called Scholar's Cup but I will be on a plane for many hours so I will have time to write. Please enjoy the next chapter!

Jungkook POV:

Canada has been so great! I love it here! I have a surprise for Ashley when we get back to Korea. Her favorite thing! 2 BUNNIES!! They are just as cute as me~ Hehe, lol

'Jungkook I need to talk to you.' Jimin says pulling me to the side

'Yes?' I asked walking to the side with him

'How do you plan on giving Ashley the bunnies?' He asked

'I really don't know.... Aren't you guys planning a surprise party for him?' I asked really thinking hard.

'K, give them to her then! And also prepare something romantic. Or else. ' Jimin said and I suddenly exploded with ideas.

'One more thing...... why did you even date Somi?' Jimin asked and I froze....

'Well, I don't know.... She is the queenka, I am kingka....... And she liked me........ Or so I thought.' I said and shrugged

'And do you have an explanation why you kept on dating her when we all were against it?' Jimin asked and I got irritated.

'What is this? Trial?! I don't even know why I dated her! I hate her! But Ashley is the best, I love her so much! I will never hurt her!' I shouted desperately

'Shhhhhh You are too loud..... Geez, hope no one heard us and might misunderstand what we are saying.' Jimin said and I covered my mouth as we walked back to where everyone else is.

Yeah, hope that no one heard us. I was only loud with some part..... I hope no one misunderstands anything.

Samantha POV:

Okay... I shouldn't have eavesdropped......... But I heard Jungkook say these things; 'I don't know why I dated her!" 'I hate her!' and Ashley's name. I don't want to jump to conclusions but my mind is not obeying me...... hopefully he is not talking about Ashley.... I don't want to start any trouble... but I want Ashley to be happy and safe, she is my best friend. She has the right to know.

'Ash! I need to tell you something!' I yelled running back to our room

'Yeah?' She said looking up from her phone

'I overheard Jungkook and Jimin's conversation and I heard Jungkook say 'I don't know why I dated her!", 'I hate her!". And....... Your name........' I said uneasily

'Oh really?........' She said trying to not show any emotions but I could tell that she was heartbroken

'But I only heard part of the conversation. He was talking about someone else most likely. Don't jump to conclusions. I felt that I should tell you, you deserve to kno-' I began

'It's okay unnie, I will go ask him about it.' Ashley said quickly and going out of the room.

Did I make the right decision?......

Ashley POV:

Jungkook doesn't hate me....... Right? He tells me so often that he loves me. My heart says that Jungkook loves me, but my mind is telling me something else.......... I can try him right? I knocked on his door..... But there was no answer and the door and was open

I peeked in and saw...... Somi and Jungkook?! And KISSING?!

Can I really trust him?......... Now my heart is even telling me maybe I shouldn't.......

A/N : Ooooooo, cliffhanger! What do you think happened? Hey guys sorry this chapter is really bad and short. I didn't explain how Jimin and Samantha got together, but if you want that please comment and let me know I will include it in the next chapter. Thank you for the support! Don't forget to vote and comment as well!

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