Chapter 15- Plane ride

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A/N Hi guys, sorry I have been really busy with school and dance. I will try to update more once I get used to my schedule. Please be patient. Thank you!

Ashley POV:

I am so tired....... Spent so much time packing last night. We just arrived at the airport and there is an awkward silence.......

'Why are we all so quiet today?" Jungkook asked

'I am just tired.....' Samantha said then looked at her phone

'Yeah' Jimin agreed

'You guys excited?' I asked

'Yeah, we get to go to the city I grew up in, I can take you guys to see some of my friends at my old school. And take you to my favorite places when we have free time.' Samantha said

'Are any of your old classmates good looking? Good looking enough for you to date them" Jungkook asked signalling me. And Jimin stared at Samantha waiting for her response.

What? We are not going to give up until Jimantha happens.

'I am not going to answer that.' Samantha said then looked down at her phone while smiling and texting someone and plugging in her headphones.

'I wonder who she is texting.' I whispered to Jungkook loud enough for Jimin to hear.

'Probably her boyfriend.' Jungkook said then smirked

'She has a boyfriend?" Jimin asked nervously

'I don't know hyung, just make your move already.' Jungkook said and shrugged. Yes, we are motivating Jimin to confess and we know Sam unnie feels the same way and will accept his feelings and they will live happily ever after.

'Mmmm.... I don't know.' Jimin said then looked over to Samantha

Samantha POV:

These guys think I can't hear them? Pft I am not texting my boyfriend, I don't have one. Smarten up Jungkook. I was texting my friend Alyssa, I haven't seen her in so long. And since we are going to the city I grew up in, I want to go visit my friends and all of my favorite places. I asked Ms.Kim, our teacher if my group and I could have one day off schedule with them and go explore on our own. I can see all my friends again. I am so excited! Jungkook and Ashley need to stop shipping Jimin and I. Like if we feel the same way, let us make progress ourselves. The more you enforce it, the more annoying it gets. If they annoy us and keep on pressuring us like this, our feelings for each other might fade away.

'Okay guys, let's go! We are boarding the plane. " Ms.Kim said and we all stood up and started to board the plane.

We all waked up the plane and began to find our seats. I have the aisle seat, great, my favorite! I sat down and took out my computer. I am going to write fanfic, listen to music, watch movies and read fanfics. (A/N This is normally what I do on planes no matter how long the plane ride is) Wait...... the seat next to me is empty. Who is sitting there? Please let it be Ashley or Ria!

'Ash, are you sitting next to me?" I asked as she walked this direction

'Oh, I was, but I traded with someone because I wanted to sit with Jungkook.' Ashley said

'Oh..... okay then.' I said and Ashley went to her seat with Jungkook.

I will be alone now...... and sitting next a stranger probably. Whatever, I will be doing stuff on my own for the whole plane ride. I took out my laptop and started updating my fanfiction. Someone sat next to me and I didn't even bother to look up. But then that person poked me multiple times, it started to annoy me.

'What do you want?" I said annoyed but tried to sound polite but then looked up and saw, Park Jimin....... This was probably part of Ashley's plan

'Oh, sorry Jimin. I didn't know it was you.' I said then forced a smile

'It is okay, what are you doing?' Jimin said and looked over my computer. I quickly closed the lid because I didn't want him to see the cringey chapter I was writing.

'Nothing, just writing some stuff' I said

'What were you writing about? Me?' Jimin said then ran his fingers through his hair. Okay...... that was hot. I didn't do that before, now because of Jimin I run my fingers through my hair......

'No..... Obviously someone totally amazing, cute and hot.' I said then playfully rolled my eyes

'Are you saying that I have all of those qualities or I have none of them?' Jimin said then smirked

'That is up to your imagination.' I said then plugged in my headphones and ignored him. Then I received a text, the plane hasn't taken off yet, I can still text.

Ashley TEXT: So who are you sitting next you?

ME: Surprised you don't know. Stop planning these things okay?

Ashley TEXT: I am sowwy unnie

ME: It's okay, just stop it with these okay?

Ashley TEXT: Ne, have a nice flight unnie.

ME: Have a nice flight, try and sleep. And don't be all kissing and gross with Jungkook. Remember, you are in public.

Ashley TEXT: Okay, see you later.

ME: Baiii

'Good morning passengers thank you for choosing to fly with Air Canada......... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah' The flight attendant started talking about safety stuff and stuff that everyone knows but they always repeat it.

I texted my friend Alyssa quickly, telling her we are taking off.

ME: Hey Lyssa, we are taking off. See you in a couple of days!

Alyssa: K, c u soon! We all miss you!

ME: Miss u guys too, bai!

Alyssa: Bai

I then put all my devices on airplane mode and started writing fanfiction. After writing 3 chapters, I looked over to Jimin. He was asleep, he looked like an angel. I can't help but smile while admiring him sleeping. I yawned then fell asleep too.

Jungkook POV:

We are going to Canada! I have never been there but I am excited. Samantha will introduce us to her friends and take us to places she liked going to when she lived there. But this is going to be a long plane ride..... But I have my jagi next to me so I am happy about that.

'What do you want to do for the next 17 hours?' Ashley asked

'Mmmmm.... I don't know. I think you should get some sleep, we stayed up packing last night.' I said then smiled

'K, we can watch a movie together when we wake up. You should sleep too. Good night/morning Kookie.' Ashley said then leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my head on top of her head.

'Rest well, love you.' I said then closed my eyes

'Love you too.' Ashley said then fell asleep

Narrator POV:

The four fell asleep peacefully. Although some of them do not admit it, they all love each other very much. And their time in Canada would change that.

A/N How was the chapter? I made the chapter extra long because I haven't updated enough. Please keep on reading, vote and comment. Kansanmida~

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