Chapter 30- Bambam?!

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A/N: Triple update in one day! Yay! I doubt I'll update later on in the week

Jungkook POV:

It has been a week since the hospital incident. We are now all back in Korea and Ashley has been living with the girls. The girls decided to all stay in Samantha' house together until Ashley gains her memories again. V hyung and Jimin hyung didn't want to be lonely, so us boys are all staying at our house, or should I say my house?...... I am confused.

'I still can't believe Ashley thinks that Bambam is her husband.....' V said sitting down from practice.

'Look on the bright side, our new album is selling well.' Jimin said trying to clear the mood

'Yeah.......' I said drinking water


'Who is there? Are we expecting someone today?' Jimin asked walking to the door.

'Mmm..... I don't think so' V said sitting up to a nicer position

Jimin hyung then opened the door and a confused Bambam walked in.

'Jungkook! Why the hell am I Ashley's husband now?! I thought that was your job!' Bambam asked confused

'Chill dude, sit down and we will explain.' Jimin said plopping him down the couch

'So basically, we got into a car accident in Hawaii and then Ashley woke up with a messy timeline in her mind thinking that I am still that jerk she hates and you are her husband somehow.' I said as quickly as I could

'Just play along, help us get her memories back.' V pleaded knowing Ria is very frustrated that Ashley still thinks Bambam is her husband

'Let's see if I got this right. Basically, I have to act like I am her husband until she gets her memories back no matter how long it takes?' Bambam asked

'Yeah.' I nodded

'What if something happens during the process?" Bambam asked and I tensed up

'You better not do anything to her!' I threatened knowing what he was referring to

'I know but..... I can't control what Ashley does.' Bambam said making me realize, I am not really her husband anymore according to her, she needs time to figure it out.

'Thanks............' I said patting his back.


'Who is it now?' Jimin said opening the door.

'You don't want to see me?' And in walked a triggered Samantha along with Ria who rang to V and hugged him and Ashley who rant to Bambam

'I missed you so much!" Ria said hugging V. You guys serious? It has only been a week, how about me? Knowing I don't have a good excuse to see Ashley until her memories come back.

'No babe it's not like that. I missed you~" Jimin said pecking Samantha's lips as she tried to ignore his cuteness and aegyo

'Ashley~' Bambam said picking her up and spinning her in circles

'I missed you, how was the tour?~" Ashley asked giggling

'Good, but I wish you were there~" Bambam said. OMG! HE IS TO GOOD AT ACTING! I can't help but get super jealous. But I know this is for Ashley....... Hold it in Jungkook, just for a while longer...... Just wait until she gets her memories back........ Until then, suck it up.......

A/N: Sorry for the sadness 

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