Chapter 12- Forgive and Forget

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A/N Hi guys, it has been a while since I last updated, but here is the new chapter! And plz follow my instagram account if you haven't already, it is leonali_jiminie. Please enjoy the next chapter~ Kansanmida

Jungkook POV:

God...... Ow my head hurts..... What happened yesterday? Huh? Where is Ashley?

I remember everything now....... The party, Somi, the club...... God... i drank so much alcohol....

I walked downstairs and saw Ashley cooking. I am so lucky to have her in my life, she has always been there for me and I made such a huge fuss two years ago....... And it was all just a misunderstanding. I hope Ashley will forgive me for my behavior towards her. I walked up to Ashley and wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head of her shoulder.

'Good morning~' I said

Ashley POV:

What the freak? Does Jungkook have split personality or something? One day he is being such a jerk treating me like a slave and now he is being so sweet and back hugging me?!!

'Um... go sit down.... I will bring the food over.' I said shocked from his action (A/N: #Jungshook)

'K~' Jungkook sang then sat down at the table. I just brought the food to the table and sat down across from Jungkook and started eating.

'Thank you for cooking Ash, it is really delicious.' Jungkook said and smiled at me.

Did I wake up wrong? Was I teleported to another dimension or something or another parallel universe where Jungkook is nice?...

'I know I have been such a jerk to you in the past few years ever since that misunderstanding with Mark. I am truly sorry......' Jungkook said breaking the silence

'It is okay, I should have told you about Mark anyways.' I said playing around with my food

'Um...... I still love you but it is okay if you feel the same way.' Jungkook said after taking a deep breath

'I never stopped loving you...' I blurted out

'Really?' Jungkook asked all happy

'Yes' I sighed

'I am not asking that we get back together because I know that you still need some time...... But I love you~' Jungkook said then kissed my cheek

'Um..... I will definitely give that some thought...... So.... what do you want to do today?' I said changing the topic.

'Well we are supposed to go wedding shopping but if you want to do something else I am fine with that too~' Jungkook said while flashing his bunny smile at me

'S-sure we can go wedding shopping...... I will go get changed.' I said then went upstairs

I closed my door and sat down and called Sam unnie


Samantha: Oh good morning to you too Ashley

ME: Sorry but I to say something really important

Samantha: Me too but you go first

ME: Okay, this morning Jungkook woke up and started being all lovey dovey with me and apologized for his bad behavior for the past few years and said he still loved me and wanted to get back together

Samantha: Awww.... And what did you say?

ME: I accidently blurted out that I never stopped loving him and I will some thought into this.... But what should I do?!!

Samantha: It is really up to you..... But I think you should maybe forget his bad behavior and forgive and give him a new chance.

ME: Yeah.... Good idea, thanks unnie..... Oh what did you want to tell me again? And how are you dealing with Jimin now he practically confessed to you yesterday

Samantha: Well, V and Jada actually confessed to each other while they were drunk yesterday and now they are a couple and well...... I am like avoiding Jimin because it is really awkward after yesterday.

ME: Okay, that is one couple down, why can't the others all just confess? And you, you are normally so straight forwards with things just ugh! Talk to Jimin and tell him how you feel and then you guys will live happily ever after~

Samantha: Don't worry, the others will get together soon, and MIND YOU OWN BUSINESS!!!

Before I could tease her more, Samantha hung up..... What? I was being honest.... But I guess I should take her advice, Forget and Forgive.... I never stopped loving him and I am willing to give him a new chance. I forgive him, and I am willing to forget all the bad things in the past few years..... But it is easier said then done....

A/N How is the chapter? I haven't written in a while so please give me some feedback, Kansanmida~

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