Chapter 10- Party PT.2-WHY?

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A/N Hi guys, sorry for not updating for the past few days, I have been a bit busy. But here is the next chapter. Enjoy!

Jungkook POV:

'Yah! Jeon Somi! Zhang yixing! WTF are you doing!" I shouted

'Oh hi Kookie!' Lay waved being all innocent as always

'Don't Kookie me.' I shot a death glare at Lay and Somi

'I need to borrow Somi for one minute.' I said then dragged Somi to the hallway

'Care to explain?' I coldly asked

'Fine, I was dating Lay this whole time! I was just using you. Well now that you know, goodbye.' She said quickly then left.

SHE WAS JUST USING ME THIS ENTIRE TIME? FOR POPULARITY AND MONEY? That's it! No more of her stupid bullsh*t!

I walked to Ashley looking all upset.

'Oh hey Kookie! Ur back.' She said

'Yeah.....' I said

'What's wrong?' Sha asked and came closer to me

'I am sorry.' I said then hugged her

'Um..... what now?' She asked frozen on the spot

'I am sorry, you were right, Somi never really loved me..... She was just using me. She was cheating on me this entire time.... I am sorry for not believing you..... And Mark is really just your cousin. I am so sorry Ashley.' I said then started to tear up

'It's okay Kookie.' She said then hugged me back

'Um... you want to stay here or go home?" I asked pulling out of the hug

'Um... let's go home.' Ashley said and I nodded

'Hey Sam unnie we are going home.' She said to Samantha who was too busy dancing with Jimin. And didn't hear us. Ashley walked up to her and dragged her to the side

'Yah! Ashley! I was busy!' Samantha whined

'Did you even hear what I said?' Ashley asked annoyed

'That you and Kookie are going home? Yeah I heard you.' She said then rolled her eyes

'Oh wow! You have good hearing. Now go back to your boyfriend! Stay away from the pool!' I teased and took her back to Jimin.

'Hey hyung, sorry we had to borrow your girlfriend, she is all yours now!' I said quickly then grabbed Ashley's hand and ran and Jimin and Samantha chasing after us swearing to kill us.

Samantha POV:

Yeah I heard Ashley, but I didn't want to deal with her business right now.... Jimin is not my boyfriend.......yet..... The truth is, I am hydrophobic because when I was 14, I was scuba diving, but then my tank ran out of gas and I couldn't breathe. Then this boy, saved me. No idea who he was, but I am very grateful, if it wasn't for him, I would have died. Ever since then, I never swan ever again, or even go to the beach or even near the pool. So when Jimin threatened to drop me.... I thought I was going to die. When Ashley tease about the pool I decided to ignore Jimin..... Because he almost dropped me, that is like worse than GOT7 disbanding!

'You want to go back?' Jimin asked and held my hand stopping me from running after Ashley to kill her

'No. I am going home.' I said then pulled my hand away

'Hey what's wrong? We were having so much fun let's go back Sammy.' Jimin said then touched my cheek.

'First of all, don't touch me, secondly, don't call me Sammy.' I said then started walked home

'What? Why are you so cold all of a sudden?' Jimin asked and followed me

'Because I remembered something terrible that happened to me when I was 14 when you almost dropped me in the pool. Now go away.' I yelled then ran away

'Samantha. Wait!' Jimin said and ran after me

Jimin POV:

When I joked about throwing Samantha into the pool, I remembered a few years ago I saved this girl when I went scuba diving at this summer camp. Was that Samantha? I ran after her as fast as I could as soon caught up because she was wearing heels.

'What do you want?' She asked not looking at me

'Wait, did you ever go scuba diving when you were younger?" I asked and she widened her eyes and tears came out.

'Yes..... why?' She asked wiping her tears

'I think I know why you are afraid of the water. And you should thank me, because without me, you might be dead by now.' I said then smiled

'You are the random that saved me? Thank you Jimin!" She exclaimed then hugged me and I hugged her back

'You are welcome princess' I said but then regretted it. YAH JIMINIE PABO! Why did you just call her princess?

'Sorry for being cold to you.' She said then looked at the ground

'It's okay, enough tears now. Let's go back and have fun!' I exclaimed and she nodded. We walked back hand in hand and I think she doesn't hate me anymore.

Kookie POV:

As soon as we got home, I locked myself up in my room and Ashley didn't say a word and just went to her room. I guess she understands that I needed some personal space and time alone. I just layed down and cried. Why Somi, why? I loved you so much. WHY?

A/N Sorry for the crappy chapter, I am going through a write's-block (eventhough its is scientifically not a thing) so thank you for putting up with this.

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