Chapter 22- The great outdoors

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A/N: Hello readers! This chapter was purely based on true events, well the canoeing part is. Grade 8 camp prep........... Well I went canoeing and I got so wet! My shirt became see through........... terrible experience. But it was really fun! Anyways, please enjoy the chapter guys!

Ashley POV:

'Ash, wake up.' I heard someone say and gently shaking me to wake up

'Mmm?" I said as I opened one eye

'Come on, we have to be downstairs in 30 minutes.' Samantha said and continued to brush her hair. I realized that she was in athletic wear.

'Where are we going today?' I asked dragging myself out of bed.

'We are going canoeing today.' She said

'Wait, why are you here? Didn't you sleep with Jimin yesterday?" I asked

'Wait what?! They slept together? Like.. in that way?!" Jungkook said rushing out of the washroom only with a towel on his waist. Those abs though..........

'Well we came over to wake you guys up.' She said putting her hair in a pony tail.

'We?' I asked brushing my teeth

'Chill Ashley, we didn't do anything like that last night. We just slept. Literally.' Jimin said sitting up from the bed

'Just get ready, we are going downstairs in 20 minutes.' Samantha said and I got dressed.

'Can we go down first?' V asked

'You and Ria can go. We will be right there hyung.' Jungkook said putting on a shirt.

'Finally' I muttered as I put my hair in a pony tail

'I know you like my abs~' Jungkook teased

'Yah!' I yelled whacking him lightly with my hairbrush as he pouted and pointed at his lips.

'What?' I asked

'Morning kiss.' Jungkook said making a kissy face

'Ewwwwwwwwww Hashtag CRINGE!" Samantha shouted

'Once you date, you will understand.' I said and gave Jungkook a peck on the lips.

'Happy?' I asked and he nodded and smiled

'Can we go? I am starving!' Jimin shouted

'Yep, let's go.' I said and all walked out of the room and downstairs to eat.

~Skip time to them arriving at the lake, Alouette Lake.

'Wow, this is so pretty!' Jungkook said taking his camera out and started taking a lot of photos

'I hope that is waterproof Kookie.' Samantha said

'Mmm?' Jungkook asked while taking pictures

'Well when we came here years ago, only Charles' camera survived, it was waterproof, and the teacher's phone survived somehow. Or find a plastic bag to put your camera or just don't use it at all.' Samantha said taking her shoes off and walking into the water

'My camera~' Jungkook said sadly and put his camera in his bag.

~Skip time to them already on their canoes because the process of actually getting into the boats are so complicated and annoying

'Ready?' Samantha asked

'Yep' I said happily

'Let's go' Samantha said and paddling. We are pros at this, and we look at Jungkook and Jimin who were basically going in circles.

'Well this is peaceful, the water feels so nice and fresh. Everything is so cal-' I began then.....

'Ah!' We screamed because water was being splashed onto us and looked over to the direction where the water was being splashed onto us from.

'Ha!' We heard someone laugh at us and we saw a happy Ria and V cheering and quickly paddling away

'Let's go get them! I will splash, you paddle!' I said quickly as Samantha started paddling and we chased each other around. Damn it! I keep on missing.

'Yah! Ashley!' Ria screamed after getting wet. Huh? I missed....... Who did this

'You are welcome babe!' Jungkook yelled paddling away

'Thank you!" I shouted

'OMG! HYUNG!!! PADDLE FASTER! THEY ARE COMING AFTER US!' Jungkook yelled to Jimin and started paddling like crazy.

'Guys! That is not how you do it! You are going to flip!' Samantha shouted worried

'Don't worry, we won't fl-' Jungkook said..... But then they flipped overboard!

'I told you!' Samantha said and laughed. They look hilarious!

'Are you guys just going to all sit there and laugh or will you help us?" Jungkook asked and pouted

'Should we help them?' I asked Samantha

'Mmmmmm I don't think so.' Samantha said as I nodded agreeing with her and we started to paddle away

'Tae! Help!' Jimin shouted and V and Ria went over to help them

'Thank god I brought extra clothes for Jungkook. Did you bring extra clothes for Jimin?' I asked Samantha

'Yep' She replied. Only couples do this! I bet these two are already together!!

'I need to tell you something..... Actually Jim-' She began but i felt like I was dumped in a pool of water....... NO! WE WERE FLIPPED OVER!

'What the Freak!' I screamed coming up seeing a smirking Jungkook and Jimin

'Revenge!' Jungkook said and stuck his tongue out

'Karma babe~' Jimin said and quickly paddled away

'Wait......... babe?'' I said realizing stuff.

Is this what Samantha wanted to tell me? They are dating?!

'Wait! You guys are finally together?!' I asked all excited and Samantha nodded

'Yasssssss!!!!' I cheered

~Skip time to them getting changed

'Ugh! This was fun! But I am all wet now!' I complained

'At least your shirt is not see through like mine last time. Wait, nevermind!' Samantha said looking at my shirt which was now see through

'Crap.. Now what?!" I panicked

'Um.... Well...... I have no idea..... Just hope that no one notices it.' Samantha said finishing

'Yeah.. hopefully...... I said covering my shirt with my hair and we walked outside

'You guys take forever....' Jungkook complained

'There was an incident with something....' Samantha said eyeing my shirt

'What? Your shirt is see through?!" Jungkook said freaking out

'Woah!' Jimin said looking away

'Just a tiny bit.... It's fine.' I said trying to walk away

'No no no no! Other guys will leer at you! Stick close to me~' Jungkook said holding my hand tight and we left.

Well....... This is the great outdoors I guess..........

A/N: How was the chapter? I guess Jimin and Samantha are finally together, I will put a bit of explanation in the next chapter. Now that they are finally together, I will focus on Ashley and Jungkook more. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! 

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