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past tense: renewed; past participle: renewed

· re-establish (a relationship).

· give fresh life or strength to.

· replace (something that is broken or worn out).


Moving in with Prince was one of the best decisions I've made in the past year. I'll admit I had my doubts in the beginning. After everything we've gone through, I wondered if this was too soon and if we should have stepped back and taken things slow. But in the end I'm glad I trusted my gut for once and agreed to start this new journey with him.

One night as I was lying in our bed I tried my hardest to go to go sleep but I just couldn't get there. Normally I'd get up and walk around Paisley a bit, there's always something to do and see. However tonight I wanted to stay in bed as much as I could because Prince actually fell asleep with me which never happens. I usually feel him crawl into bed at whatever hour after he's done working, but tonight he retired with me.

Once I knew he was asleep, I carefully crawled out of bed and went downstairs into the little kitchen. I made myself some tea and sat down while I mindlessly scrolled through social media on my phone. My babies had been weighing heavily on my heart and my mind ever since I left LA. My desire for a baby had grown immensely, it's almost all I seemed to think about these days. However I tried to tell myself that I'm still mourning and the urge will eventually settle down. In the midst of my thoughts I had the sudden urge to look someone up on Facebook. I hadn't spoken to this person in years, and when his profile popped up I knew that my desire to contact him was still there. I told Prince I'd think about it which I had, but I think he assumed I'd decided not to. It wasn't until this very moment that I felt the need to talk to him.

So I messaged him. I messaged Iris' father.

Coming Soon...

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