07 | I Like it When U Dance 4 Me

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"I can't believe you hid this from me! Ria! I thought we were closer than that!" I whined to her over the phone the next morning. I woke up and my first thought was to call her immediately, I couldn't go another minute without hearing it from her. I didn't even bother to find out where Prince was when I woke up and he wasn't next to me,  but that's normal for us.

"I can't believe he knows" she said in agony

"Girl he's not even mad! He's waiting on y'all to say something to him! Just have a conversation with him so you don't have to hide it anymore" I was trying to convince her to finally admit it to Prince, but she was still in shock over the fact that he already knew.

"I dunno...that's so awkward"

"But it'll be worth it, worth the peace of mind.

"So last night was what, a test?"

"Not a test, I think it was more of like a 'You're busted, but I'm cool with it' kinda thing. There's really no sense in trying to hide it now"

"Oh man" she groaned into the phone. I did feel bad because I knew she was freaking out but I saw it as a good thing. She no longer has to live in fear of Prince finding out and reacting negatively.

"Listen, he's known for a while so it's not like anything's gonna change overnight. Talk to him when you feel like it's the right time, it doesn't have to be tomorrow. I just thought it would lift a weight off of your shoulders, that's all"

"I mean it does...thank you for telling me. But at the same time it's just...awkward knowing we need to have his conversation with him now"

"Do you love him?" I asked her abruptly completely redirecting the conversation. Let's just get down to the nitty gritty shall we?

"I-...well...sort of"

"Oh my God... you're in love with Cass" I was blown away by how quickly their relationship had progressed. But then again Prince and I aren't really ones to talk. I was just so happy to know that she'd found someone she cared so much about. "I am so happy and excited for you, how did this even begin?!"

That's when she finally gave me the full back story of the two of them. Cass and her would always play flight and flirt around at work, but she didn't really take it seriously until he asked her on a real date one day out of the blue. At first she was hesitant, she didn't want things to get complicated if it didn't work out between them, but to her surprise one date turned into 2...3...then 4 and so on. I could tell by the way she talked about him that there was love there. It made me think back to when I would ask her about this "mystery guy" and she'd tell me all things he'd do for her. There was definitely something there, even over the phone I can tell how giddy she gets when she talks about him.

"Well I adore Cass, you know that. And I love you so quite honestly we can plan this wedding right now!" I finally got her to let out a good laugh since we'd been on the phone.

"Calm down, we're definitely not rushing into that. Besides, I need to focus on designing a wedding dress for YOU first"

"Yea right" I rolled my eyes as if she could see.

"Oh come on, like he's not gonna propose"

Does everyone know something I don't? Her and Alex have both brought up marriage between P and I, which in turn makes ME think about a marriage and I start to get anxious.

"Unless you have the inside scoop, there's no ring coming my way anytime soon. But enough about me-"

"No enough about ME. Look I have to go but I forgot to ask, do you have any photos of you from last night?"

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