08 | Mrs?

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I never did entertain the whole fantasy thing that night, but he did end up giving me more of what I wanted so I was happy. But if I know Prince, he never just lets things go so I knew it was going to come up again, it's just a matter of when. Something shifted that day though, from dancing during rehearsal to dancing for him later that night. I've been with him long enough to know when he's got something on his mind and there was definitely something brewing there, I just didn't know what it was yet.

A few days later Prince and I decided that we wanted to get out of the house and have a bit of a date night. We hadn't done that in a while so I was excited to spend some time with him. I love when we're able to get out and be a "normal" couple. We were headed to dinner and then catching a live band at the Dakota afterwards.

At dinner, we sat at a private booth in the back that had the perfect amount of privacy. It was one of his favorite restaurants because of that reason, other than the great food. We were still visible to everyone, but being in Minnesota was night and day compared to being in LA. I always heard him talk about why he loved living here so much but it wasn't until I moved here myself that I really understood. They smile and greet him respectfully, but they treat him like every other person they see.

"Has Cass talked to you yet?" I asked curiously as I twirled my pasta around my fork.

"Not yet. But I wish he would instead of acting all weird around me now" he made a face and I couldn't help but to laugh. "I expected Ria to be nervous about it, but not him" he admitted.

"Maybe they want to do it together and she's just not ready yet"

"She told you that?"

"Not in so many words, but I get the feeling that's the case"

"And they know I'm ok with it?"

"Yea, I told her. I feel like she's making the situation harder by ignoring it now that it's out in the open"

"They'll come around"

We continued to eat and I continued to talk about God knows what until I realized that he wasn't paying attention too much. I'd get the occasional "uh huh" and "okay" but I knew he wasn't invested in the conversation. He fumbled around with the remainder of his food and I could tell something else was occupying his mind.

"Babe" I said and he finally looked up at me "You didn't hear a word I said did you?" I shook my head in amusement.

"No, I did. I'm sorry, go ahead"

"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, finish what you were saying"

I put my fork down and put my hands in my lap. Giving him a look that knew I wasn't going to continue this conversation until he told me what was up.

"Talk" I said

He sighed and said, "Just running through these upcoming shows in my head"

"You guys seem really buttoned up to me, the rehearsals have been amazing"

"Yea, but it's missing something" his eyes trailed to the ceiling, searching for an idea or maybe just the right words to say.

"Like what?" I asked before returning back to my food and taking a fork full.

"Like you"

His answer caught me off guard and I swallowed my food prematurely causing it to hurt a little as it went down.

"Excuse me?" I asked, coughing a little

"I want you in the show" he said with such confidence. He wasn't phased by my reaction at all.

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