- Side Note -

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Quick side note from the story. I just had to take the time out to thank you all. Each and every one of you whether you just started reading, or having been following since day one with ALC.

I was slacking on writing for a few reasons. 1, I genuinely did get very busy. 2, Good ol' writers block. And 3, I just didn't have the heart for it at the time. I didn't want to write just to write.

Before ALC, I hadn't written anything since high school. I played around with the idea of writing again but was a little (a lot) intimidated by all of the amazing writers here. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon the site (it may have been the org), I just remember reading Who Do U Belong 2? And Bambi by PantlessGenie and I knew I fell into another world. I'm so grateful for you all.

Ever since I found WP it's been a definite coping mechanism for me. These last few months have been good, but something was definitely missing. It wasn't until I finally sat my ass down in front of my laptop and forced myself to write again that I realized what it was.

The Purple community here on WP may not be the same as it was when I joined 2 years ago. There may not be as many updates, there may not be as much new content, I may not get as many comments or votes anymore but all of that is ok. Because the joy I feel and the high that writing gives me is worth it all. The comments that I receive, even just one, is worth everything. Even if all you leave is a smiley face, it's so appreciated and it always makes me smile.

I honestly never thought I was that great of a writer. After reading some of the BEST writing I've ever encountered, I was scared shitless. But it was such a relief as soon as I started. And it seemed like a few people liked it, so I kept going.

You all are helping ME heal.

4/21 may have been over 2 years ago now, but it still hurts. Regardless of how long it's been. I get into steady grooves where I'm ok and I'm kind of numb to the fact that he's not here. I'm aware of it, but I push it to the back of my mind. However there are other days (like this week) when the reality of it all is so present. I'm in disbelief all over again; mad at the world because he's not here. Hell, even my manager yesterday came to me and asked what was wrong because I wasn't my normal self. It hits like a ton of bricks and it comes out of nowhere.

Your stories, keep him alive for me. Honestly. I know there's only a handful of us left here, but I'm hoping you all read this and know that your writing and your work is so important. It's more than fan fiction. He's here, alive and well living through our words and I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't know that you all were still here writing away.

The point of all this is just to say thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for keeping me sane to put it simply.

I seriously love you all and I pray that you keep writing. If you don't write, I hope you keep reading and engaging in conversation. Writing this previous chapter really kicked my ass into gear. I'm not going anywhere. This story isn't over yet, and even when it does end I hope I get some inspo for new material so I can write something new.

I'll stop being sappy now 🙃 but I had to get that off my chest.

I'm almost done with the next chapter so I'm hoping to have it posted soon!

Love yoooooou! 💜

Love yoooooou! 💜

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