16 | I do

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"Honey you need to eat something" My Mom said to me, holding a bowl of fruit in front of my face.

"Ma, I'm really not hungry" I lied. I was starving, but I was so anxious that I didn't think I could keep anything down.

"Please, just take a bite. I don't need you passing out on your wedding day" she pleaded as I sighed and opened my mouth. She fed me a piece of an apple that she had just cut as I was getting the final touches put on my hair.

This was it. Today is the day. The past week has been nothing but a blur. It all just felt like one long, drawn out day since I pretty much have only gotten about 3-4 hours sleep each night. I should be walking around like a zombie but I was running on pure adrenaline.

Prince was getting ready at Paisley, and myself and the ladies decided to get a suite at the hotel a lot of my family was staying at. It was a gorgeous Saturday in June. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The sun was shining brilliantly, and it was just warm enough that we would be able to enjoy ourselves outside without dying of heat stroke.

It had been a week of nonstop events. From my family flying in, to family dinners, to rehearsals and rehearsal dinner. The girls and I went out and had a mini bachelorette party for me also. I was surprised that Prince even agreed to it to be honest. But I think it was because we kept it pretty low-key. We kept it simple with a girls weekend. Massages, a dinner cruise, danced into the night, and then brunch the next day. I always thought I wanted to have an epic bachelorette trip before I got married, but I think Prince is starting to rub off on me. I didn't need anything extravagant, a weekend with my girl's was enough. Especially now that I'm off the pill and we're trying for a baby, I'm trying to keep the partying (and the drinking) to a minimum. However he did insist that I take a pregnancy test beforehand just in case, but sadly it was negative.

So "tired" was an understatement right about now. But the excitement and the love was keeping me awake. However I'd be lying if I didn't say I couldn't wait until it was all over. I just wanted to hurry up and finally fall asleep as Prince's wife.

Everyone kept asking me how I was feeling and if I was nervous. Truth is I really wasn't. I was anxious to finally be Mrs. Nelson, but surprisingly not nervous. Everyone else's anxiety was enough for me anyway. My mom was stressing over me not eating, Ria was stressing over everyone's gowns, hoping no one would ruin them before the ceremony and Alex was stressing over making sure this day was as perfect as it could be for me.

As soon as my hair was finished, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Ria said as she hurried over to the door and looked out the peephole. "Babe, you're early. Ri doesn't have on her dress yet"

I overheard her say, knowing that it couldn't be anyone but Cass. She looked over at me first, waiting to receive some sort of signal that it was ok for him to come in. I nodded and she opened the door wider, allowing him inside.

"Hey Cass" I said happily. I was genuinely excited to see him. It's no secret that Cass and I are close; he's the perfect brotherly figure that I love being around. I hadn't see him in a few days with everything going so I was happy to see him walk through the door.

I stood up and he kissed my cheek before giving me a hug

"You look beautiful sweetie"

"Thanks Cass. What's up, you're early. Is everything okay?"

He was supposed to come right before we were ready to go and drive me and the girls to the Arboretum. I still had to get my dress on and take a few more photos.

"Everything's fine. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

He didn't make it seem like anything was wrong, but I was slightly panicking wondering why he wanted to talk to me in private the day of my wedding.

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