12 | Remember When

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"Yo, you gonna stare at that thing all day every day or what?" Cass said as he interrupted my thoughts. He caught me staring at my ring...again.

I admit, it's all I've seemed to think about lately. It had been three weeks since he proposed and the tour had come to an end, and I've yet to erase this smile that was glued to my face. I was constantly looking at my ring and admiring how gorgeous it was. It amazed me because it was nothing that I would ever choose for myself, It doesn't seem like it would be something I would like yet I absolutely adored it. It was vintage looking, yet still very modern at the same time. It was perfect.

"Get out of my business Cass" I laughed as he walked out of the little kitchen. He had also been in good spirits because he and Ria finally came out and told Prince they were a couple. I still don't know why it took them so long to do so, but just as I told Ria, Prince didn't care and told them he was happy for them. It was a total relief for her, but at the same time it seemed to add another weight of pressure than before. Now that they were out in the open they had to really prove that they wouldn't let their relationship get in the way of their jobs, even more so than before.

I drank my coffee and sat snug on the couch in the little kitchen as I watched Golden Girls mindlessly on TV. We were all on a break since the tour had ended, even the Paisley Park staff. Cass was just here to help P tie up a few loose ends before he takes off for a couple of weeks. It had been a while since Prince and I had the complex to ourselves and it couldn't have come at a better time.

I waited a couple of days to tell my family the news. Not because I didn't want them to know, but because I was on such a high and I wanted it to be something just between Prince and I for a bit, something only the both of us could cherish even if just for a couple days. Cass was the only other person who knew, and that's because Prince told him what he was up to before we went on our day trip to Savannah.

My parents lost their minds when I told them, they were so happy for us. After the accident my Dad had finally come around and warmed up to Prince. After he saw just how dedicated he was to me and our relationship despite everything we had been through, he had seen enough and knew what we had was real. I facetimed Alex because I wanted to see Luci anyway, and I purposely flaunted my finger around to see if she would notice. She finally did and her reaction was priceless.

We haven't told too many others, simply because we didn't want the word getting out. Our plan is to not let the public know until after we're already married. We both felt it just wasn't necessary for the world to know. It's our marriage, not the rest of the world's.

It's funny because when I was younger I had my wedding all planned out in my head. Extravagant, destination wedding, with everyone I knew and love in attendance . But honestly, now that the time has actually come I could care less about having a big wedding, I just want to marry him. Everything else was extra.

Lucky for me, neither of us were big on long engagements. It works for some people, but not for Prince and I. We both agreed that our engagement wouldn't last longer than a year, if that. We were ready, beyond ready.

The one thing I knew for sure was that my dress had to be perfect. Ria and I started brainstorming as soon as we got back, she wouldn't have anyone else make it. That was fine by me because I've always loved every gown she's made for me anyway, I knew I was in good hands. Not only that but how convenient is it to have an in-house dress designer?

"Riley" I heard my name being called from a distance.

"I'm in the kitchen" I called out before taking another sip of my coffee. A moment later Prince sauntered in.

"Good morning" he said as he hovered over me, leaning in for a kiss

"Morning" I said sweetly after our lips parted

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