22 | What if

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I looked around us, attempting to see if there was anyone around but no one was paying any attention. Not that they'd even realize what was going on.

I have never met this woman face to face and never had any desire to. Prince never spoke about her, he never spoke about either of them really. He'd only bring up Mayte when he was reminiscing about his son. So I was utterly confused as to what she was doing here and why she felt the need to approach me, at my baby shower no less.

I swallowed hard, and all of a sudden I had to pee all over again. I was so nervous, I didn't know what she wanted or what her agenda was and to be honest she wasn't my favorite person in the world. I knew the gist of what went down between the two of them and how she weaseled her way into his life, and it never sat well with me. But it was never any of my business and at the end of the day, he's my husband and no longer hers.

Once I stopped and allowed her to continue to approach me, she slowly sauntered over. Her curly jet black hair bounced with each step and she had an awkward look on her face, like she was trying to force a smile.

"So you know who I am?" she said

My brows furrowed into a confused frown; how the hell wouldn't I know my husband's ex wife?

"Of course I do" I said with a bit of an attitude

"Dumb question" she admitted softly. She was starting to look nervous now, she looked away and then back up at me. I was standing in front of her, hands on my belly almost in a protective manner, waiting for her to explain why she was there. She glanced down at my stomach and looked away awkwardly.

"Congratulations" she said. I just nodded in thanks, still dying of agony waiting for her to speak up.

"Is there a reason you're here?" I finally asked. I would ask how she found out about all this, but it was a celebrity affair so I wouldn't be surprised if word got out amongst others in their circle.

"I know this may be a little strange, but I was compelled to come down. I just wanted to make sure you were..."

"..make sure I was what?"

"Just...doing well I guess"

"Why are you so concerned, we don't even know each other...and why wouldn't I be ok?"

"It's just..I know how he was with past pregnancies with..well you know... and the last thing I want is for him to-"

"Wait" I cut her off, allowing my hand gestures to do the talking "What does my pregnancy have to do with anyone else's? And regardless, you don't have a right to speak on behalf of anyone else's experience but yours. You're really bringing up Mayte's pregnancy? Right now?"

My attitude was flying free; one thing about this pregnancy is that I can't hold my tongue for the life of me. It was bad before, the baby just made it even worse.

"I'm here on my own accord ok, she has nothing to do with this. I just know how strongly he was against her seeking any kind of medical attention at the time. I don't want the same for you. Trust me, I know how he can be. As a woman, and as someone who also knows how he operates I just felt the need to check in"

I stood there trying to make sense of everything she was saying. Yes, I know how he was during her pregnancy because we've discussed it. He admits that he didn't exactly go about it the right way back then. But that was so long ago, that cannot be the real reason she's here.

"Are you for real right now?" I said, fed up with her lame explanation "I'm sorry, but I call bullshit" Before I could get another word out, Cass walked out into the hallway, looking for me I'm sure.

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