25 | Ghost of Second Wives Past

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"Make sure she gets back to the house safely alright? Call Cass as soon as you both land and when she's back home"


Usually I only trust Cass with her safety, but I needed him with me for the next 24 hours. So, I had to have one of the other guys fly back home with Riley. It was definitely out of my character, especially with her being so far along in the pregnancy. I know she has her suspicions, but I couldn't let her know the real reason why I was staying in LA an extra day. It hurts me to lie to her like this, especially given everything we've been through, but just the thought of it would send her into early labor...I know it.

"You ready boss?" Cass asked me as he opened the door of the SUV. I hopped in and he closed the door behind me. "When Riley finds out I stayed to help you with this, she's gonna kill me. And I will blame you" he said as he looked at me through the rearview mirror. A corner of his mouth raised slightly as he shook his head. The worst part about it all was that he was right.

"What do you mean when? She won't" I assured him "...but even if she did, she'd be too busy wringing my neck to worry 'bout you"

He chuckled slightly, but I knew he felt uneasy about it as well.

When Riley told me Manuela showed up to the baby shower, I saw red. I can't explain it. I was so enraged that I physically couldn't even provide a reaction. I'm afraid this caused even more frustration on her end. It wasn't that I didn't care...in fact it was quite the opposite. I was so out of sorts I could barely form a sentence.

My ex wife has a history of showing up unannounced. More so before she got remarried, which is why I'm shocked that she did it now...of all days, of all circumstances. Riley was right, she did want to catch her unannounced. The question was why? Well I had Cass reach out to her and she agreed to meet me privately to find out.

To be honest, I couldn't believe I was even doing this. When I ended that chapter of my life, I ended it completely. I didn't even see her face to face in the end. All communication was either done electronically or through lawyers. I wanted nothing to do with her. I guess when your unborn child is involved it changes things.

When we pulled up to the studio, I immediately switched my demeanor. All I wanted was an answer, and to get my message across. No more, no less. I walked in first and sat down. I had Cass escort her in, I just wanted to take every precaution possible. I didn't want her to be seen, and I definitely didn't want her to be seen with me. The studio was the least suspicious place for me to be, so in my mind it was the safest.

I wasn't completely sure what I was going to say or how I was going to say it. All I knew was that I wanted answers, and I wanted her to stay away from me, my wife and our child.

When she walked through the door, her eyes frantically searched for me. Once she saw me sitting on the couch in the corner, a small smile crept upon her lips. Unfortunately for her, I did not return the gesture. When she made her way over to me, I could tell she didn't know what to do. She hesitated before sitting down. Was she expecting me to get up and hug her or something? Not happening.

She awkwardly straightened out her dress as she sat down. She kept fidgeting, I could tell she was nervous. She reminded me of when we first met, the shy nervous woman who sat in the atrium of Paisley Park with a Bible on her lap. Should've known then she was full of lies.

"H-How are you?" she stuttered

"Listen, I wanna make this quick. First of all, what makes you think you can show up to my wife's baby shower unannounced? And did you not think it would get back to me?"

She was taken aback by how blunt I was but I could care less. She just sat there nervously.

"Well?" I asked again, trying to hurry her up

"I knew you'd find out, I didn't do it with malicious intent, Prince"

"I never said you did, I want to know why you showed up at all"

She continued to stare at me, as if she was searching for her answer. My face unchanged, I waited for her to respond.

"Prince I..I truly just wanted to know how she was doing"

"Why would you assume my wife's well being is any of your concern?

Now her face changed, seemed more stern. Her brows furrowed slightly before she cocked her head to the side.

"Don't act like our pregnancy was lollipops and rainbows, nor was Mayte's"

Now she was getting comfortable, that I attitude I became acquainted with over the years started to show it's ugly head.

"Once again, my relationship with my others wives never was or ever will be your concern. So if you have something relevant to say then please say it. Otherwise-"

"Stop denying the fact that you were a control freak Prince! You controlled every aspect of my pregnancy, not that it lasted very long anyway"

Most things don't get to me, but my children are everything to me. Whether they survived in the physical world or not.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't making the same mistakes"

I didn't even respond to her previous statement, I'm choosing to look forward and not work my way back to the past. I may have made some choices in the past that I regret, but I can't change any of it. All I can do is make sure I learn and grow from my mistakes.

"Manuela" I readjusted myself, I was physically agitated and trying my best to keep my cool "Focus on your own family and stop worrying about mine" I started to get up and make my way towards the exit. This was a waste of time. She wasn't telling me everything and I no longer cared to get to the bottom of it. The more I sat there with her, the more I wanted to be with the woman I love.

"Wait, Prince I-"

I stood at the door and turned around once more before walking through it

"You what?"

She was at a loss for words. She stood there silently and I shook my head. Right as I pushed the door open she blurts out;

"I guess I just wanted to meet her in person"

Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

"I just wanted to meet her and see why-..."

She stopped herself, she knew she was about to say too much - or rather she was finally being honest with herself and didn't want the truth to be known. But I can see it now, saw it right there in her eyes.

"And see why her and not you?" I asked matter of fact. Once again she couldn't respond, and this time I didn't give her another chance to.

" Go home to your husband and your kids, and be grateful for what you have" I left it at that and strolled out the door. Putting my sunglasses on my face, Cass led the way until we were outside and the SUV was parked directly out front.

"Let's get to the airport" I told him. I didn't want to waste anymore energy confronting my past.

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